Thursday 11 July 2024

Ready for the day!

 Thursday 11th July 2024

Quick check in this morning, I've got to get ready for work, no pics either, I had sardines and egg on toast yesterday, as much as I love them, damn they repeat on me and give me heartburn for ages afterwards!  I also had a sneaky Mcdonalds filet of fish because I had reward point that were going to go out of date, I didn't have anything with it, 315 calories, so not bad and it was fish at least.  

I did a yoga class, plus my physio, but only managed 5,159 steps over the day, burning 1958 calories, so not great, I was tired yesterday, didn't get much done around the house despite wanting to, I just didn't have the energy and my legs hurting - falling apart lol.

Thanks to the football, I've only had 6 hr 37 mins sleep but it was worth the late night (for me anyway) as what a game!  I had to listen to the first half hour as Aryn did MMA till 8 then we had to get back, nipped in the Tesco garage for milk and the forecourt was completely empty as I pulled on - that's a first!  

Trying to decide what to have for dinner as himself is home tonight, not sure how late though so something that can be reheated maybe.  I've took chicken out the freezer, I could do wraps as I have a kit, but I'll have a think, what else I could do with chicken breasts?  Fish and chips would be nice, the chicken could be used tomorrow!  It's his birthday tomorrow but he's out all day.

Anyway, time to get ready for work, told you it was a short one, how will I do at the scales today, we shall see, I'll be happy with 1/2lb especially as I lost 3.5lb last week, I've been okay since Monday, I was over the weekend but we shall see!

Here's to another day of tracking regardless!

Have a great day,

Mwah, luv u

Love me c

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