Thursday 13 June 2024

In the red!

Thursday 13th June 2024

Well today is weigh day and I'm not holding out much hope but it's all good because this week has been all about getting back into the habit of tracking everything, yes I've gone over by lots and compared to my fitbit readings, I've not burned enough to get a weight loss but we'll see if I've maintained.


This week now I can work on getting those calories down, planning the meals, the food I bought from M&S as a treat wasn't great for calorie counting especially as I didn't plan, it could've been okay if I'd got better days on them and they'd lasted longer but we ate too bigger portions and that's the truth of the situation.

The positives from the week though are I tracked, I also went back to the gym without Aryn, he didn't want to go because of the work experience so I went in the daytime.  I also went swimming yesterday, first time this year I think!  I only did 20 minutes because I wasn't sure how it would affect my back but it feels okay this morning so I will go again tomorrow, practice the breast stroke, I'm not the best at it, I prefer front crawl but that's the one that might hurt my back so I'll try a bit of both.

I'm sleeping better for sure, sleeping to the alarm at 6, even if I wake, I go back to sleep, although I was woken by a message this morning at ten to but I'll take that.  I'm sure cutting the caffeine is helping, so it was worth it.

The veggies went back onto my plate too yesterday, here's to keeping that going, I like them and it's just laziness when I don't use them, I can't even blame being skint because I can always have frozen! 

Here's to a fresh week of doing my best!  No excuses the weekend either because he's working so I can have a good go at it this week, get my healthy on.

Mwah, luv ya   

Love me x

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