Monday 10 June 2024

Another week...

Monday 10th June 2024

Where did that morning go!  I got up at 6 was gonna do a blog, didn't have time, took Aryn to start his work experience, got back, had breakfast, a ham toastie, then started on huddle chat notes and now it's five past 12 and the morning has gone.  

The weekend went by as quickly to be honest, Friday was spent doing house stuff, then I took Aryn for his MMA class at Brownhills, I went to M&S to fill the time and spent a £50 gift voucher I had, that was nice.  Saturday after work, my car went for it's MOT - YAY it passed.  We then went down the Lancaster for a few drinks and came back for dinner, we had lamb curry out the freezer, that saved up a few quid by not eating out, although I do fancy trying the food there, it smelt good.  

Sunday food was a bacon, egg and mushroom sandwich for breakfast and lamb moussaka, asparagus and garlic bread for dinner followed by profiteroles - delicious.  I tracked 100% all weekend but went over on my allowance, it's a start, at least I'm being honest about what I'm eating.  I just like eating and drinking so most of the time it's damage limitation.

I baked focaccia bread in the new Ninja too, I need to keep it under control and I have done, the lads like it a lot, I'm resisting temptation - at least with the bread!

I've got more work to get done, I'm off to do a UW appointment later, have to pick Aryn up first and he'll probably want to go to the gym so I've got about 3 hours to get stuff done.  

Wish me luck!  

Here's to surviving the week, I can take back control.  You can too...

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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