Wednesday 6 March 2024

Let's hope I can save my facebook!

Wednesday 6th March 2024

Well I only just made it within calories yesterday, actually I was -64 but it could've been a lot worse, I've been hungry the last few days, well not hungry, just wanting food and I'm sure it started after my rock cake at the weekend, that sugar fix left me wanting more.

I had mango for breakfast, then leftover cauli/brocolli cheese for lunch followed by fresh pasta with pesto sauce and wine for dinner.  I didn't eat teh red cabbage I'd put on the plate because it was 'use by' but it was too much for me, too sweet.


The rest of my day was huddles which were great, watching the first episode of Celebrity Big Brother and that was it really.  Oh yeah I was called to help sort the alley shed so he can get stuff through tomorrow as he's gonna build me a lean too so I can sit out when it's not dry or shade from the sun when it is and enjoy the day light.

I tried to reset my password yesterday with the Facebook issue but now I can't get on at all on my laptop just on my phone and if I try to reset the password, the code it sends won't work - hey that's great.  I'm hoping it'll all calm down at some point and let me otherwise I don't know what to do as getting in touch with Facebook isn't easy! 

I'd be gutted if I lost my profile because of all the things about mom on there, there are so many one liners she said that come up in my profile all the time, which is another reason I wanted to write the book but I can't do it if I lose the stuff.  I won't panic yet!

On a positive, physio is completed, meals are decided for the day, I'm thinking taco mince in pittas with couscous and salad, then tomorrow we can have pie and chips when I'm busier and Friday well I have steak in the freezer so many defrost some of that, or I do fancy some lamb not had any for ages.  I'd love a tagine but I can't make it like my Chantel can, it doesn't come out the same even though she's tried to give me her recipe, it's not the same as what I remember her making. 

Right I'm off to get ready for work, I'm sat in a blanket rather than put the heating on, that's a bit sad ain't it Heat or Eat they say don't they, we're not quite that bad but I do think before I turn it on!

Here's to a great day,,

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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