Tuesday 23 January 2024

What progress can you make today?

Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Another day of tracking, I did end over budget by 141 calories, but at least it was all tracked, more or less equal on calories in / calories out.  I'm giving myself a break, doing my best, coming off my HRT has made a difference to my mood and body, so I'm working on getting hold of that right now too.  I've had my appointment for my outpatient hysteroscopy a week today, that will be one more thing off the list.  I've got Aryn off school, he's only done a couple of days this year so that's on my mind, we're waiting for a re-referral to the hospital for him.  Himself is still not right, so basically everyone in this house is broken and if I'm only 141 calories over because I had a piece of bread with a cheese triangle and a few olives, I'll take that!

My meals were good look, those plum baby tomatoes were delicious as were the eggs.  I'd planned chicken for dinner but when it had defrosted it smelt so we didn't risk it.  


I'd nipped to Aldi and they had trout fillets, 2 for £3.99 and as it's my favourite fish, I treated us, they were delicious.  Had it with stuffed peppers and a 1/3 of a thin margarita pizza rather than garlic bread as we had those in freezer already. 

I never made the gym because my sister popped round and we had a giggle and a catch up, by the time I'd done the notes it was time to go get my nails done and then Aldi, after that I didn't want to go, I like to go earlier in the day.  I'll get there, I'm not putting it off deliberately.  I'm trying to find a balance between exercise and making my pain better or worse! 

I bought a couple of those Aldi frozen £3 pork joints to fill up the freezer, for the price they're a bargain and I'll try to cook the next one in airfryer as the take 100mins in oven!  

What to eat today?  I'm definitely going to the gym so the males in this house can take care of themselves till I get back this afternoon!  I'm only going to think about dinner, I bought pork chops too, so maybe those with some veggies and spuds.  We'll see how I feel when I get home, all I need to do right now is shower and get dressed for work! That's enough thinking for this time of the day...

Let's focus on a little progress today, make it a good one!

Mwah, luv u

Love me x


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