Tuesday 10 October 2023

Ready for the day...

Tuesday 10th October 2023

Grr, family life, I was just about to have my shower when boy wonder comes down 45 minutes earlier than he normally does and pinches it off me!  Instead I'm sat here with my cuppa waiting my turn!

Yesterday, he wasn't well enough to go to school again so maybe he's feeling well enough today, he usually has the shower first to try and get himself ready but it hasn't been working up to now.  He went back to bed yesterday.

I went to the gym where I only just got a space on the car park, I've never been that early, it was okay inside, they must have mostly been in classes, whereas I went in the gym where I'm building up on what I'm doing.  If I was rich, I'd have a PT but I'm not so I'm winging it :) plus I'm having to listen to my body, I don't want to make it any worse.  I was pleased though, I did a mile on the rower and the treadmill, I know it's in km but I always end up working out the miles as I'm old school.  Then after my weights I did 3 mile on the recumbent bike.  

This morning, my left arm and shoulders a bit sore but I'm guessing / hoping it's just muscle ache, same as the legs and back as I walked down the stairs first thing, walking and sounding like Frankenstein! 

The rest of my day consistent of boring housework, gave the kitchen a good sort and tidy, I need to do the beds this week at some point.  

It's been a while since I had a Gousto, but they offered a 30% discount for my first box and 20% for the rest of the month, so I couldn't resist and this one was really tasty! The recipe link is here https://www.gousto.co.uk/.../crispy-tofu-with-yellow-thai...

If you're yet to try, here’s my link to try Gousto! Use it to get 65% off your first box, PLUS 20% off all other boxes in your first two months. https://gousto.co.uk/raf?promo_code=BEVER43868435...

Yesterday turned into meat free Monday and it was delicious, I'd definitely have this again, although the best bit was the tofu which was so simple, cornflour and soy sauce, marinated for a few minutes and fried, bloody lush.

I watched the first episode of Big Brother, I used to love it when it first started not sure if I still will but I'll give it a go, I'm enjoying Beckham more, I'm on the last episode and I can't believe how crazy people can be where football is concerned but it's a very, interesting watch.

Yay, he's out the shower, I can go get clean and ready for work, on the menu today is one of these, 

I've also got a cauliflower cheese that's been defrosted and needs cooking, could have that for lunch, there's jacket spuds to be used too.  Aryn was poorly the last time I had a Gousto box delivered which means he's not got the appetite he usually has. 

Okay, I'm off, tea has been drunk, bathrooms clear, I'm ready to sooth my muscles with a shower and get ready for the day ahead.

Here's to having a good one!

Mwah, luv ya

Love me x

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