Thursday 5 October 2023

Could've been worse!

Thursday 5th October 2023

What a day yesterday was, I could've easily have gone completely off track but I contained it a little!  Aryn got up poorly so he went back to bed, then I went to work and after that picked my car up before going to the gym where I enjoyed a good 90 minutes taking my time doing cardio and weights, definitely building up.  

Then I got home, I'd missed my butcher delivery, thankfully he'd left it in porch and I wasn't far away but when I went to put it in freezer, the freezer was defrosted thanks to my cats, who'd got in the shed and knocked over the ladder which had opened the door - you couldn't make it up could ya!
All those ready meals I'd prepped, chips, fish, chicken - grr, the good news my sister come to get some and they had a feast last night, some of the stuff I can cook and refreeze but of course I had a poorly boy who normally would've demolished loads but he wasn't well so he didn't.

I could've eaten too much of it but I resisted, that wasn't going to help me lose weight was it, I had some pizza and waffle, I left some of the waffles, 

then later we had noodles and leftover chicken which was really nice with the kale in it.  

I did end up having a big glass of wine which I wasn't going to but I caved from the stress lol, I also had 6 celebrations - why the bloody hell did I buy them!  Shall I tell you why I bought them, because I'm a moron, I went to the Tesco garage on Sunday to get them some chocolate and ice cream, plus I needed milk, £18 later, I remembered I had a £2 coupon in my purse if I spent £20 that week, so I was at the till looking at the celebrations for £4, and I thought, yeah, I'll have them and save them for Christmas. 

More fool me, I put them on the side in the kitchen and in minutes the 6ft teenager had opened them and had one, so now they're open and they can't be saved for Christmas because you can't give away open boxes of chocolate, even I'm not that rude! 

At least I stopped at 6 - 294 calories OUCH!  Ended my day on minus 134, could've been worse!

Today is gonna be a busy one, we've 3 huddles and I've also got to cook a salmon dinner for Aryn and I as it's defrosted, I have defrosted chicken and bacon which I think I'll make a pasta bake for tomorrow with or make and freeze, we shall see, there's quite a lot of chicken so it would do both I guess. 

I did have to laugh though, as you can imagine when I found the mess I started shouting and throwing my toys out my pram, as himself said on the phone, "when you go, you go don't you!" and I do, I get really loud.  Aryn just walks off and ignores me but when we were having the crack later and I said something about my reaction, he replied, "you're like a tractor with no tyres", well I just burst out laughing, said, "I've never heard that saying before, where have you had that from", he said, 'I just made it up', when I asked what it meant, he said, 'well you make a lot of noise but it gets you nowhere!"  How true, I need a t-shirt with that one, "like a tractor with no tyres!"


On a positive, I've been trying to clear my freezer out for a while now, well it's been done, thankfully I'd already used a lot of what was in there, so I can restock it healthily!

Here's to hopefully a hassle free day, I hope my boy feels better this morning, he was poorly, bad belly, hot and cold, proper bug.  Yeah it's great to have 100% school attendance but you can't help being ill.

Here's to a great day. 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

1 comment:

  1. Tractor with no tyres. Hahaha. Brilliant. Loved the blog Bev x
