Monday 14 August 2023

Start your week positive...

Monday 14th August 2023

A quiet weekend again here, no wine though, I haven't had a glass for over a week now, not intentional, just didn't bother when I was poorly the weekend before and because I wanted to give my body chance to recover I didn't bother afterwards.  Himself doesn't drink in the house and we haven't been out so I didn't bother again.  I did eat some cake though and I poured cream on it, thankfully only a little.

My eating's not been my usual habits, my appetite seems to not be where it usually is, I'm eating but I don't want lots, I didn't have the chicken enchiladas they had Saturday night I didn't fancy them so just had a chicken sandwich.  Yesterday though we had a delicious bacon, lettuce and tomato pitta for breakfast, I really like the Warburton pitta pockets, they're 161 calories which isn't bad at all for the size, and the wholemeal ones are 10 calories lower.

Then I'd defrosted beef mince to make a pasta dish but his face said it all when I mentioned it, he said, 'didn't we have a pasta dish last night", erm no we didn't it was made with wraps but I didn't mind, I suggested I made a dinner and nip to Essington farm for lamb chops - I'd fancied them all week anyway, so we did and he paid (bonus lol) they were amazing, I know you can buy meat from other places and it can be good, I've had some great stuff from supermarkets but seriously the last few times I've been to the farm, the meat has been exceptional, yes they are more expensive but yesterday they were worth it especially as the butchers I'd have nipped to wasn't open.  He enjoyed them so much, he said he could eat them again immediately so I'm going to get some for next weekend, I can never have too much lamb chop, especially as he doesn't eat the fat so I get it! 

My backs not been great this weekend at all, I'm hoping it's because I've started doing some strength training with weight machines at the gym and my body has to get used to it.  My back affects my leg of course and my knees still knackered but my other pain is still so much better, just some discomfort in my thumbs, on a scales of 1 - 10 compared to how bad they were a week last Friday when they were a 10, I'd say they're now a 3.

He was home an extra day this week, he was still poorly too because unlike me he hasn't been able to rest and my mood is much better too.  Again, things I would've bitten at over the last few months, I didn't, I was able to see it for what it was - unimportant and move on.  The effects of the HRT patch?  Possibly! Because I'm not in quite as much pain?  I don't think so because I was in horrid pain with my leg/back.  I'm going to go with the patch, mostly because I want it to be that because that then means it will continue.

I'm off to the gym again with Aryn later, then I have my joint pain group, can you believe we're starting week 6, almost half way through.  That's gone very quickly, we'll be checking in with how we're feeling I'm sure and if I had to pick one word, it would be 'POSITIVE'.  What we've done so far has made me feel like I can improve my pain, I can work on building muscle and do other things to support my joints and improve my mobility.  I can honestly say this programme has done that for me.  From the first week when I had to do the 'exercises' seated and without weights to now being able to do them standing with heavy weights and also to be able to do 20 minutes cardio on certain machines, I'm sure I could do more if Aryn had the patience to stop longer and I had my earplugs to distract me. 

Weather sucks this morning doesn't it,  thankfully it's not raining indoors and hopefully it will improve by Wednesday when we're going canoeing, finally doing something this holiday, Aryn's not wanted to so I've not pushed it, he really hates the hot weather!  

I need to get my day started, got a chat to plan for this weeks huddles, we're gonna look at quick, easy meals with little prep as one of our members asked, so I need to get my thinking cap on.

Have a great day, let's start our week on a high!

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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