Tuesday 20 June 2023


Tuesday 20th June 2023

After writing my blog yesterday, I went to pop the kettle back on and whilst waiting for it to boil, I started loading the washing machine when I found a key on the floor.  I took a photo and whatsapp'd it to himself saying, 'Just found this by washing like. Is it yours/important?' My phone rung immediately!  Oh yes it was important and he'd need it as it was to one of the machines.  My morning suddenly changed, I drove a 4 hour round trip to take the key, the traffic on the M6 around 7am is ludicrous.  At least I got to finish my audiobook on the drive.

I nipped in Dunelm and Matalan when I got off the motorway and bought some cushions for the sofa when it arrives, I also got new curtains half price £35 for the living room, bloomin bargain because they nearly cover the one wall = happy girl.  Let's see how long it takes the cats to fill these ones full of holes.

Spent a couple of hours getting ready for the huddle today before going to meet my bestie where we enjoyed a few hours of catching up, lovely and the food wasn't bad too.  I had seabass and scallops on risotto.  

I was charged £4.05 for a pint of diet coke though which is just ridiculous, we can buy Guinness over the road for that.  I know it was a countryside pub but seriously, can you imagine take your kids out, a family of 4 and they all want pop!  

Anyway that was my day, home by 7ish, bed by 8ish, asleep by 9ish. 

I'm not hopeful at the scales today but I really do need to get a grip because I want to lose weight, my knee would thank me I'm sure and I'd fit clothes better.  I just need to remember this when I'm eating or drinking don't I!

Ooo it's just started raining, might cool things down a little, I don't like this muggy weather one bit. 

I bought a tin of pink salmon in Farm Foods on my way home yesterday so I'll have a salad later I think.  I've got some thin crumpets in the kitchen for breakfast and I'll think about what to feed Aryn and me for dinner in a bit.

Right let's start this day, get my ass moving and have a great one.  We gave our members challenges last week, can't wait to hear how they've got on.  These are them, just in case you fancy joining in...

Daily Challenges - which challenge will you start with? 


1.          Replace at least 3 hot drinks with a glass of water, if you don't drink hot drinks (tea/coffee), it's to have 3 glasses extra of water, maybe one with each meal today.  

2.          Have 5 a day, or 8 at least if you already easily have your 5 a day. 

3.          Look at your reflection in a mirror and say "I love you; I accept you and I'm going to take care of you!"  Then every time you see your reflection today, smile at yourself and say "I love you" or at least think it.

4.          A meat free day, beans on toast & egg & chips are veggie meals!  Pasta, rice, fruit & veggies. 

5.          Go a day without any bread products!

6.          Do at least an extra 500 steps a day,

7.          Try a new recipe or meal.

8.          Plan your main meals for the week ahead.

9.          Track honestly - everything good or bad.

10.      Focus & think about what you're going to eat, put it on a plate &sit without distraction.

11.      Do something fun, there's more to life than eating, let's prove it!

12.      Really think about what you're eating, how you're behaving towards yourself and if the way you're living your life is helping you lead a healthy & happy life or is it getting you one step closer to a drive in a big ambulance.  Then see if you can make any changes!

13.      Drink your water and only snack on fruit and veg!

14.      Treat yourself!  Not with food or booze, something else!

15.      Keep it simple, prove healthy can be simple to put together & doesn't have to be hard work.

16.      Have a complaint free day!  Good luck 😊  

17.      Write down your why.  Why do you want to lose weight?  Be personal and specific, for example 'I want to lower my blood pressure, I want to get back into my jeans, I want more energy for chasing the kids, I don't want to hid from the camera on my next holiday.  


 I've done number 3, 6, 7, 11, 14 and 17.  Now to do the ones that aren't so easy for me, I'll track today, I struggle with that, water too, I forget to drink. 

Have a great day, 

Mwah, luv ya 

luv me x


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