Friday 14 April 2023

I'm cured :)

Friday 14th April 2023

Yay, I'm clear, just did a test and I'm all clear!  Apart from a bit of a snotty nose, I'm all good, 
unlike poor Aryn who makes a really rubbish patient lol, we didn't bother to test him when he started with symptoms as we knew it would be what I have, proper full on head cold he had, the eyes watering, but on a positive, he was better the day after and has slept lots so he'll be alright soon.  I'm sure he'll play on it all weekend to get out of his hoovering duties but we shall see!  He don't do it, he don't get paid, I've still had to do my housework duties, teaching him life lessons right there.

The rest of my week has been dull as dishwater, lack of steps on my Fitbit show how much time I've sent on my backside in front of the tv or listening to my audiobook.  I have managed to do the washing up and wash clothes, that's been my lot.  I've sat here thinking I should make the most of this time at home and not had the inclination to get up and do anything.  

Yesterday I did spend the day putting recipes together for our next journal so at least I was a bit productive, I've certainly been thankful for Elle being able to hold the fort. 

Food wise we've not fancied anything, I've got a Gousto box that arrived Wednesday and I haven't cooked any of it yet, but I'll start today, the dates seem okay but I can cook and freeze the curry if necessary.  

Looking forward to getting back to normal, getting my cook on and having my man home tonight, I think he's had it but he's worked through, he's outside and away from folk so he toughed it out and in the real world you don't get paid if you don't work so.....

The cats have kept me company, they are real characters, Coco loves a bit of love, he'll come and take up your entire lap and expect your entire attention, whatever you're doing, you are expected to stop and stroke him, you're only allowed around his head and neck area, don't go more than half way down his body or you'll lose an eye :) 

Minnie of she's so cute, she likes to play and chase the laser pen, she likes a stroke but doesn't quite know how to handle attention, it's so funny, watching her try to turn her head and her body follows, then she falls off whatever she's perching on :) 

I can't believe it's been two weeks since Aryn broke up from school, that went damn quickly, he'll be thrilled to go back on Monday - NOT!  

Well I hope you've had a good week and are looking forward to the weekend, 

Here's to getting my healthy back, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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