Monday 23 January 2023

Another Monday to make a difference

Monday 23rd January 2023
Time to get it together.

I need a healthy meal!  As much as I've enjoyed the weekend of chicken wings and such foods, I really want a proper cooked meal with vegetables on it.  I'm going to go get a joint of pork I think and make a roast dinner today with carrots, peas, broccoli, good healthy veggies.  

We had a proper lazy day yesterday, I did nip to the shop to get pasta, bacon and a lettuce to make pasta salad for Aryn for school, he'd had a meal deal Thursday and Friday last week and chosen the pasta salad, he's not a huge fan of sandwiches so we decided to make our own.  Well I've come to the conclusion, it's probably cheaper and less faff to buy the meal deal for £3.50 as you get a drink and some fruit with that too.  I paid £3 for strawberries alone, £2.39 for the bacon of which we used the whole packet and made enough pasta for 3 days maximum.  The one he has normally has chicken in as well but I didn't get that, but there's another £3 or £4, a lettuce 70p from Aldi, Sainsbury's didn't have any, I had to go to Sainsbury's for dry cat food, she will only eat the one kind - clever cat.  Used about a quids worth of pasta, so yeah, it's definitely cheaper to buy the meal deal on the way to school!  

This morning we've had the drama of phone chargers, that's himself not the boy, seriously what a palaver, you'd never guess from his mood he's not had a fag for 5 or 6 days!   Fair play to him though, having been a smoker a very, long time ago, I remember how difficult it is to stop, so here's hoping he keeps it up because they are crazy expensive.

I'm gonna deep clean the kitchen today I think, empty cupboards the lot, I really want the walls painting so if I get it really clean, the worktops clear, it'll be easier to consider a paint brush next.

The living room will need doing next, cats cause mess and they somehow manage to get it on walls!  

I do like the idea of a day to myself though, once I drop Aryn at school, I've got an empty house till 3 YAY!  I've got 7 hours left on my audiobook, might give that a listening, although I have to say having listened to 8 hours of Harry reading his Spare book, I'm bored, it's not doing it for me at all.  I'm not a great lover of biographies unless they really are interesting and this isn't. 

Now what to have for breakfast, eggs on toast I reckon, do I try to make poached or just settle for dry fried, I want runny eggs because I messed them up yesterday morning and they were solid, I don't like them then.

I need to plan the talk for the week ahead huddles too, get my thinking cap on, coffee to spur my energy levels, the Fitbits saying I only had 6hrs 20m sleep but I was snoozing on and off through Happy Valley, we watched Series 1, I'm sure I've seen it before but I couldn't remember it.

Right let's start this day with enthusiasm, 3 good things from yesterday;

1) Laughing out loud and having a good giggle.
2) Just being together as a family in the living room, watching bad tv and chatting.
3) Minnie having a fuss from Aryn

Normal life is my good thing, it's been almost 2 years since mom died and as much as the memories have thankfully faded, it was hell those last few years, so having just the regular 'problems' and 'issues' of every day life, like no one else empties the rubbish bins, when he does the washing up he always leaves a couple of things dirty for some reason! I smile at those things because they don't matter.  Don't get me wrong, I lose my shit over stuff, but then I realise I'm being dramatic and calm down.  If it's not going to matter a year from today, don't give it too much of your time and energy I say.

On that note, I'm going to get dressed, wake Aryn and start on the kitchen.  

Enjoy your day, focus on the little things.  Oh and Facebook has restricted me from posting in my own groups till the end of the month, it's because of my blog I think, they think I'm spamming because I post it four times in a morning, on business page, on my page and in both groups, so I'll stop posting it in groups and see if that makes a difference, if you want to get it up to date regularly, the address is 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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