Tuesday 25 October 2022

Another day, do it your way...

Tuesday 25th October 2022
You can't spell Challenge without Change

Lying in bed awake at 4.30 and the cats decide I should get up as they are tearing round the landing, making enough noise to wake normal folk not Aryn's - he can sleep through anything.  He slept till 3pm yesterday, poor things got a head cold and cough, not the way to start half term at all, he got up for food then went back to bed bless him.

I ended up having a quiet day, I did my swim, 40 lengths, that's a kilometer and just over 500 calories burned, at least I'm being a little active cos I do sit on my backside a lot.  The swim actually helped my knee pain which has now gone, just have a little bit of soreness in my thighs which is nothing.  

Rest of the day was doing the washing, cleaning up the kitchen, emptying litter trays and watching tele, I hadn't realised Doctor Who had been on at the weekend so was chuffed and enjoyed that, next was the Voice, fast forwarded through Masked Dancer just to see who they were - daft show.

Enjoyed another early night and slept well, roll on Sunday, I'm not gonna lie, I just want this week out the way, his Ireland trip out the way, then hopefully we can start enjoying the rest of the year and planning Christmas.

My food yesterday was nothing special, I had a maccys double sausage and egg mcmuffin for breakfast because it was on offer for £1.99, I did have it with a hot chocolate that I really enjoyed, I wouldn't usually opt for that but was just in the mood after my swim. I then had a pork and stuffing bap for lunch and a brie and cranberry sandwich for tea.  

I'm going to eat Sunday dinner leftovers today, maybe do a bubble and squeak, we'll see or I'll just microwave it and drown it in gravy.  Trying to not spend money shopping again this week, these trips to Ireland don't come cheap and are frustrating as they are so damn unnecessary - well they could have been - grr.  We could've took Aryn on a cracking holiday with the money we've wasted trying to sort all the legalities of him living with us.  

Anyway, focus on what I can control, get the boy well and hopefully take him to the cinema later in the week, hopefully at some point, she'll sigh the passport forms and we'll be able to take him on a super holiday.  

Time to get my swimming gear on, get ready for the day, looking forward to seeing everyone at the huddles today, it may be half term but we welcome kids, they can still come and face the scales - if I've got to, they have lol.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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