Saturday 17 September 2022

Pajamas all day for sure!

Saturday 17th September 2022
All you need is love.

Well oops!  That's regarding food but actually no it ain't that bad, give me a second to go track last night.  WOO HOO, go me, I didn't eat the best food but it turns out I was within my allowance.  We had Maccy's breakfast, oh for me the best bit was the salted caramel latte if I'm honest at 164 calories, I'm cured now from their breakfasts, if I get Aryn one in future, I'll just have a coffee, they're not work 551 calories for a double sausage and egg mcmuffin nor 127 calories for a hash brown.

This was eaten after I'd been to the dentist and also for my swim which I was very, very pleased about, when I got to gym to check in I was having a chat with the cleaner who's a lovely lady, anyway the lady behind counter joined in and then suggested I try the SwimTag which would tell me how much swimming I'd done, I thought I had to pay for it but I didn't so I had a go, easy to set up and you wear it like a watch.

This week I'm focusing on what I can control! Yesterday was 6 weeks since I joined Wolverhampton Swimming and Fitness Centre, I wouldn’t even go to the deep end, when the water goes up my nose, I'd panic, the thought of putting my head under the water make me shudder but I was determined to get some confidence in the water.  Well check me out, yesterday I swam a mile! WooHoo Go Me!  I am so proud of myself, I really am.  Even now when I swim the length I have to touch the side when I get to the deep end because I'm scared I'll sink, but I did manage once where I got there and turned round and came straight back without touching, another little victory.  I don't know if I'll ever be okay with putting my head under the water but I don't panic now when the water goes up my nose and down my throat, I talk myself calm in my head.  I have to say that the staff are all amazing there, all have been friendly and helpful as are my fellow swimmers who have all encouraged me over the last 6 weeks, motivating me to keep going and having a natter with me.  I absolutely love going there now, it sets me up for the day, calms my mood, gives me time to zone out and I feel energised when I come out.  It's great!

Aryn had a bad stomach so I called his school to say I didn't think he was well enough to go and turned out a couple of others in his class had the same, so a bug going around by the sounds of it.

Himself got home in good time for a change, and we had a Chinese takeaway for tea, I have to say I've fancied one for well over a week, it didn't let me down but I didn't have a lot, I shared a chow mein and fried rice - go me and there's some left.  We had chicken balls with sweet and sour sauce, I don't like them apparently, so that saved me calories but I did enjoy a pancake roll.

We had an early night, it was good to have him back, we can snore together lol, joking aside talking on the phone every day is great but you can't beat sitting and having a proper chat face to face especially when there are things that need talking about.  

Despite everything that's going on, things we can't control, it was a really good day yesterday, here's to a weekend of the same.  oh and in answer to the question at the top of my blog, for me it would be A) Pajamas all day.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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