Friday 1 July 2022

Half way through the year!

Friday 1st July 2022
Focus on the good!

WOW, half way through the year, that really i crazy.  This time last year I was carrying decking boards round the back garden for Terry to lay them, we were getting prepared to celebrate moms life on her birthday (6th), it was both an emotional and stressful time.  This year I have a busy day ahead doing 'mom' things, like getting all the washing clean and dried, taking the boy to school, doing the shopping.  WOW, who knew my life would change so much!  Moms sat with Alfie in a bag in the living room, she's actually in the doorway - why?  Because I don't want to forget to take her with us when we go to Wales, we're going to spread her ashes and I know my memory is shocking so I want to make sure I don't forget her when we go tomorrow lunchtime.  

Everything is coming together, I may not be any lighter than I was at the start of the year but I'm no heavier either.  There's been a lot going on and a lot of changes in our lives but it's coming together.  Aryn is finally in school, it's a bit far away but I've decided that when I drop him off, I can use the time to go for a walk so I'll start getting some exercise again.  Not today though as I need to go shopping for food in-between, plus the weather too wet!

No idea what we're eating later when himself gets back, it's a great excuse to have chippy or takeaway isn't it, but I'm going to try and not do that.  We could have pizza from the freezer, I have the ones you make yourself, or I fancy eggs, so maybe with wedges and beans, something simple and using more of what we have.  We shall see.

We had a cracking day in the huddles yesterday, new members joining, existing member being chuffed with their progress, it's lovely to see success and hear laughter and chatter.  We're not just a 'weight loss group', they come to see each other, catch up and they all tell us it's a social thing that's helping their wellbeing.  We love this!

Right I need to go empty the washing machine AGAIN!  Oh the life of a domestic goddess, how blessed am I.

Have a great day, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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