Tuesday 19 July 2022

Dear Weather, stop showing off - we get it, you're hot!

Tuesday 19th July 2022
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Phew, well I slept on the settee downstairs, because when I went upstairs it was like stepping off an aeroplane, I wasn't having any of that!  I'd fell asleep downstairs around 7 anyway and had a couple of hours, then himself called me around 9 and that's when I went up and come back down.  

On a scale of 1 to 10 yesterday, I could be dramatic and score it lower but everything is sortable so I'll give my head a wobble and realise I'm still a very, blessed woman.  

I'm having car trouble, its stalling - wtf, automatics don't stall.  Apparently he thinks the fuel filter needs changing so I have ordered one today and can pick it up from 10am and either try and get someone to fit it or wait till he's home Friday and he can do it which is the cheaper option.  I panicked didn't I as I do, me a drama queen - nah lol.  I'd had a text to say Aryn was finishing school early, up to then the car had only stalled whilst starting the car, but I was at the traffic lights on the Ring Road in town and it stalled, I was going to waste half hour in the Next up town before picking him up but when that happened, I panicked and thought, I just need to get to his school as I don't want to break down before he comes out.

I made it but ended up having to wait an hour for him to finish, by then it was 33 outside, ouch, the car almost burnt my arm, the door was so hot on the outside!  I sat there thinking what am I going to do the next two days, I can't risk breaking down in this heat with a kid in the car!  My problem was sorted when whilst sitting there as I received a text saying because of the weather the school was closing early for the holidays so I don't need to take him again thankfully, he's off now till September 5th.

We stalled twice more on the way home, once on Sainsbury's car park as he convinced me we needed to nip there because it had air con and we could get him a bit of chocolate, which turned into chocolate, Doritos and a box of these beasts, 

they were his 'end of school' treat, they won't become a regular at £13.99 a box - ouch!

I did indulge, I'm not going to lie, I had half of the Lotus and Strawberry one (we shared) and then later I had the caramel filled one, not knowing until I bit into it, that there was a filling in the ringed doughnut, I was truly impressed. 

The positives of the situation, there's an average of 2g of fibre in each doughnut so at least he has some fibre from them and I didn't eat anything else other than the doughnuts, oh and a couple of handfuls of Doritos and a few mini sausages which he'd also thrown in the basket.  Other than 2 chicken wings, a bit of broccoli and leftover mash, I didn't eat anything else yesterday.  I've got salad and everything too, I did strip the leftover chicken and put it in curry sauce ready for today and put the rest in freezer, I kept a bit to put in a pitta bread with salad, so today WILL BE BETTER.

Aryn and I watched another episode of Stranger Things, so we have one left now, it's the last one and over 2 hours long so I'm thinking probably tomorrow after huddles.  Another positive is I'll be able to get to the lunch huddle today now schools out, so that's great news, I've missed them all.

Well I've had my shower which has cooled me down, I'm gonna go grab something for breakfast - not a doughnut, I'm thinking eggs maybe and another cuppa, then I'll go to work, hopefully the car will work! 

Have a great day, stay in the shade, drink plenty, and do as little as possible. 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me 

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