Saturday 23 April 2022

Survived eating out!

Saturday 23rd April 2022
Do it for you!

Yeah I am, I'm doing this for me.  Don't get me wrong there are lots of other reasons I could do it for, so my members see me practising what I preach, so my other half gets to see a smaller body (he doesn't and hasn't ever passed comment about my weight and we've had the 'I love you for you' conversation, so that's not my reason).  What triggered me to sort my act out was my health and the fact whilst we were away over Easter I kept pulling my tshirt away from my belly because it was snuggling round it and making me self conscious, not something that usually happens because I don't wear 'tight' clothes.  As regards my health, I've been going 'giddy' for a couple of weeks and I was chatting to Elle and she suggested I might have low blood pressure so I went and used my sisters to test it and it was sky high according the the NHS website I needed to see a gp within the next few days, so I went over my docs and they booked me into see the nurse that afternoon.  Well I came home whilst waiting thinking, 'no wonder your blood pressures high, you're overweight, you drink too much, you're not walking anymore, basically you're living the high life and not thinking about the effects it's having on your body.  Turned out my blood pressure was okay, a little high but since it's tested fine, I'm due to go back next Friday for another check and also an overdue NHS health check, I've also got a mammogram booked up too, so I'll get a good all over health check but I know I can help myself by losing some weight.

Yesterday I finished on 1344 calories and that was with eating out last night!  We went to the New Pheasant Pub for tea, I drove so diet coke there, I ordered Himali lamb with pilau rice, 2 poppadoms and I pinched a chicken wing of his mixed meat platter which looked epic.  We had 3 meals for under £45, the meat platter was £17 but it was huge, there was enough food on there for 2 people easily! 

When it came out I thought it didn't look that big in those pretty bowls.
but then I started to put it on the plate and realised it was quite large, so I ended up leaving this...
which filled a small takeaway plastic tub to come home with us, 
he can eat it for his lunch - I'm on a diet!

I'm being weighed today, changing my weigh day as I mentioned in yesterdays blog, I'm hoping I've lost a little since Tuesday but whatever it shows, I'm gonna continue getting my healthy back because I want to lose some more weight, at least 21lb more, it goes on easier than it comes off doesn't it.  

Oh and now hearing him say 'I'm losing weight' and showing me his belt holes is motivation too, I'm not having him doing better than me, he was even offering to come and do a talk last night cos he's losing weight and I've been gaining it - proper wind up merchant he was being!

I'm looking forward to the meeting this morning because we've been talking about takeaways /  fakeaways and I proved last night you can do it, the pub does deliver through Ubereats and Just Eat, I'm never going to be the person who stops living to lose weight, I've spent too many years putting my life on hold looking after mom, it's not happening now I have my new life.

Right let's get ready for work, I'm weighing him today, I wanna see if he's really lost weight, he even said this morning he'd eaten and drunk loads last night so he has a good starting weight and he'll lose well next week - erm he's a pro at this weight loss business obviously!  

Have a superb Saturday, 

mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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