Wednesday 27 October 2021

The scales were on pause this week :)

Wednesday 27th October 2021
You didn't wake up today to be mediocre.

It was a long but good day yesterday, two huddles with Elle doing a little cooking!  I worked on our Christmas / Winter journal in the afternoon, then V and I finally went to visit Lucy last night, she's overwhelmed by all the kindness and sends her thanks. 

In normal Be Happy Owls life, I maintained on the scales which I was okay with, I'd have loved a loss don't get me wrong, I even took my leggings off to get 1/2 off but then realised what I was doing, that it wasn't the way to lose weight, so I put them back on and settled for the maintain - no shame in a maintain!  I'm living and losing, I'd had the best weekend, it started Thursday night after the huddle really, so it was an extra long one not ending till I got back from down south on Monday lunchtime.   I indulged this weekend, had ice cream, popcorn, meals out, was mindful with my eating, didn't go into 'sod it' mode which is most likely why I didn't get a gain.  I had a great time, got to see my brother and Alexis and spent extra time with someone who makes me very, very happy so yeah it's all good!

I did a little shop, so have a bit of veg in the fridge, today I'm going to start the day with egg, mushrooms and tomatoes nom nom, I'll have a crumpet with it too, I took that out the freezer yesterday.  I'm thinking soup for lunch again, this week is going to be a SOUPer week in and out of the huddles, I can see me buying a soup maker soon but I'll eat the cans and cartons of soup I have first.

What will I have for my evening meal, mmm not sure, I've got a coleslaw mix which I want to enjoy so need to decide what to have with it - any suggestions?  Maybe fish in breadcrumbs with a couple of onion rings, think I might have potato waffles in the freezer too, want to get that down more still. 

Managed to fit in helping a UW customer yesterday too, we do phones as well as sims and if the customer is a gold talk or double gold customer and has a phone, it includes the mobile protection which is a great add on.

My Sky tv contract ends next month so I'm going to cancel it completely, the only thing I won't be able to do then is record stuff and that's okay, now moms not watching it all the time, I can live without that option.  I'm mostly watching netflix and prime these days anyway, plus if I change my mind in the new year, I can do a new contract I guess but I've been paying £38 a month for something I'm not using, the cinema package is crap, I never watch the movies so that's £11 a month on the offer, when the contract finishes it's all going up to £55 a month and the only way to bring that down is to sign up for another 18 months, meh I ain't doing it!  

Right, let's get this day started, let's make it a great one, 2021 has been one hell of a year, I didn't think 2020 could be beaten in the crappy stakes but 21 gave it a run for its money, but then after those first 3 worse months of my life, things got calmer, I got happier, my life started to come back together and now, well I'm living my best life again and I'm not taking a moment of it for granted xx

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx 

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