Wednesday 4 August 2021

Your heads as important as your body!

Wednesday 4th August 2021
Not every day is a good day & it's okay.
Yesterday I was reminded that so many people are still suffering out there, it's not all about how much we weigh, our mental health has took a real battering too, just because the doors have been opened and we can go out again doesn't mean we are the same people we were before all this covid crap started!  Loved ones have been lost, those who survived have been left with long term health issues and heaps of other stuff has and is still affecting us.  

One thing I'm truly grateful for are our huddles, obviously because it's given me a job but mostly because it's got me out of the house, I know I would probably have become some kind of hermit had I not had a reason to leave the house as I'd got so used to being home.  

Be kind and think about the words that come out of your mouth or mind if you're writing it on social media, I noticed a couple of comments yesterday that were completely unnecessary, so think about them before you put them out there for all to see, ask yourself why am I writing this?  Is it useful or just making you feel better/powerful/superior, ask yourself how will it be read and affect the person reading it! 

Don't assume your friends are okay!  Even if they say they are - people lie or maybe they don't even realise they're not okay and they need you.  Again, hearing all our members chatting and having a catch up is such a good noise to hear, it's another reminder of how much of that noise we've missed over the last 18 months. 

So many of us don't look how we looked 18 months ago either, hell we've gained weight!  I've been walking the dog and seen people purposely dodge me, I know it's usually because I'm the 'diet woman' and they've gained weight so don't want me to see them, whereas I want to wave my arms in the air and shout, 'hell, look, I've gained a shed load of weight too!'  We should still be loving our bodies, whatever size they are - we don't take care of anything we don't love, never, ever forget that.  

Your body makes you unique - it's BeYOUtiful, it's yours, it has great healing power, it's extremely resilient, it's connected to your mind, it keeps you alive and hell because life really is short, so love your body because it's amazing. 

You haven't got to be 'perfect', you've just got to keep going, forgiving yourself when necessary and taking care of yourself as much as you can because one day, you'll look back and you will be proud that you didn't give up, we've got this, let's keep on keeping on and support each other along the way. 

Self care is so important and it's so much more than eating a salad or having a bath!  Self care can also be forgiving yourself, taking a step back, asking for help, putting yourself first, spending time alone, setting boundaries, asking for what you need, saying no, staying home, oh and in case you missed it the first time - forgiving yourself. 

How do we stay motivated when everything seems so bloody difficult?  We take it one day at a time and surround ourselves with as much positivity as possible.  Why not make dream board, I think I'm going to do this over the weekend to give me some ideas for what I want my future to look like, start by asking yourself what you want, and make realistic goals accordingly.  We've got to believe in ourselves, we can rewards ourselves (but now with food - we are not a dog!), but by paying attention to our progress and visualising achieving our goals, we can celebrate every pound we lose, every step we take towards the next none weight loss goal.  Remember to focus on how you feel not just what the scales say, be kind to yourself as well as to others, don't compare your journey with any one else's unless it's in a helpful way and take it all one day at a time because tomorrow isn't promised or guaranteed, enjoy this life you've been blessed with. 

This year has been WOW for me, it started horrendous, then mom died and I felt such relief, this week I had my first 'drive out' and got quite emotional remembering when we went there together and that we'd never do that again.  I'm used to doing things on my own, I like my own company but it comes with difficulties too, silly things like I was going to have a coffee and some breakfast but because I had Alfie, I couldn't take him in to order and I couldn't leave him outside cos he'd have gone mental, I know if I'd really wanted that coffee, I'd have found a way, but I was too pre-occupied thinking 'if mom had been here, she'd have sat down with Alfie and I'd have gone and bought her a cake, shouting her options through the open door whilst being stared at by quieter people!'.  It's just another stage of grief and one I will work through, I'm planning my first holiday for later in the year, that feels weird too because I'm gonna get the big bed not the bunk or the bed settee lol.

So yeah, embrace the day ahead, tell lose you love how much you love them, get in touch with that friend you haven't seen in what feels like forever - don't take another day for granted 💜  

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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