Friday 16 July 2021

Noodle toastie - NICE!

Friday 16th July 2021
Direction is so much more important than speed.

Another good day yesterday, great huddles, got stuff done and had a good sleep, I'm loving life right now, it's great.  

The lovely Sheila bought me a ready meal that she'd really enjoyed to try, it was only around 300 calories and a big portion from Aldi, but there was an ingredient in it that I don't like the taste of so I couldn't eat it, think it was star anise or fennel, both in Chinese 5 spice which makes me shudder, I'm just not a fan at all which was a shame because it would've been delicious other wise.

Instead I gave Alfie all the beef from it and I set to making me a noodle toastie!  Oh my days, how good was this, so I love packet noodles full stop, but this takes them to another level;

Get yourself a packet of noodles, I use the cheap maggi chicken ones, they're about 30p a packet so this is a cheap meal.  Cook them in a saucepan with the flavour packet and water until all the juices have been absorbed.  Next get yourself a dish (lasagne or loaf tin) you want to whizz an egg then mix it into the noodles, pop in dish and flatten, then pop in fridge for 15 minutes to cool and set a little. 

In a non stick frying pan, plop the noodles out like this; 

fry for a couple of minutes till they brown like this; 

then slide out onto a plate and cut down the middle, before returning to the frying pan to cook the other side. Whilst cooking top with cheese slice (I only had mini babybel which did the job!) 
Add some fried bacon or ham (or not) you could top with a sliced tomato and keep it veggie. 
Slide onto your plate and enjoy, bostin, I'd add fried mushrooms next time I think. 

Don't knock it till you've tried it!

Now I have to decide what to eat today, I might have stuffed mushrooms as I have a full pack in fridge, I'll have a think, oh I have those flat breads that need using too, so something with them, will go make another cuppa and see what's in the cupboards etc. 

Here's to a day off, don't know what I'm going to do, that's the beauty of a day off, no car as it's being serviced and having something done that was advised on mot, not sure if I'll get it back today, we shall see.

Have a great Friday, let's survive the weekend on track and taking care of ourselves!

Mwah, luv ya 

love me x

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