Thursday 1 July 2021

It's getting there!

Thursday 1st July 2021
Don't sweat the small stuff.

Let's hope July is a great month for all, we want some sunshine, lots of love and laughter and weight loss in our Huddles!  Oh and if it could become pain free, that would make me a very, very happy lady, I'm in pain, everything hurts again.  I have been taking pain killers but then they make you constipated don't they, having said that the poor diet we've been eating hasn't helped!

I did actually eat a peach yesterday though, so that's a start lol, once he goes home on the 8th, I'll properly get my healthy on, until then it's damage limitation.  I can barely move in my kitchen, it's not conducive to cooking healthy meals, then I'm ... oh no excuses, it's just too much hassle at the minute and I've got CBB syndrome, Can't Be Bothered, just in case you weren't sure what I meant.  

Bless him, everything has been a nightmare for him, thankfully it has though!  I know that sounds odd but if it hadn't and he hadn't noticed my issues, I'd have ended up with major plumbing/sewer problems and a flooded downstairs.  My washing machines been leaking for ages, I just thought it was broke, I've been putting sink unblocker down sink and bathroom for ages because I thought mom was causing the blockages.  Turns out it wasn't mom, the pipes have all had to be changed downstairs, now my washer works and it isn't leaking the issue was the pipes.  The sewer drains were blocked and it was coming from next door so thankfully the other side had rodding pipes and he's cleared all that too.  Finally he can get back to the things he actually came to do, but he's probably saved me thousands of pounds because I'd have ended up with a flood!  

He's decking today, hopefully my living room will be sorted over the weekend, then we can enjoy the BBQ / celebration of moms life on Tuesday. 

Today for me though is full of huddles YAY, we're at Bloxwich, loving this weeks chat, love talking food and I'm getting ideas and info from our members which will help me lose some weight and save some money.  

Oh he's just got up so I'm gonna go, here's to a great day, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx 

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