Sunday 13 June 2021

Owls, foxes, it's all happening here!

Sunday 13th June 2021
If there is no struggle, there is no progress.

What a brilliant morning at the huddle yesterday, it just keeps getting better, I love seeing faces I haven't seen for so long or ever, rebuilding or building relationships with people who you're on a level with and who you get is just the best and then having a good laugh as well as tacking the tough topics too in a safe space is so needed right now.  

I didn't do a fat lot the rest of the day, gave a neighbour a lift back with her shopping from Aldi, had my cupboards fitted in the back bedroom, they're nearly finished, he's just got to cut out the pieces to go round the sides of them so they are 'fitted' in the alcove, I will have no excuse for not having everything out of sight once they're complete. 

I must of fell asleep in front of the tele before 8!  I woke up and went to bed, warm night so lots of tossing and turning, 17 times restless, 3 times awake, Alfie woke me to go up the garden, can't complain as he needed to pee.  Even with 52 minutes awake/restless I still managed over 8 hours :) I'll take that. 

It's nice and cool so I'm going to try and get him to walk this morning, there was no walking by him yesterday, although he is getting better about not being right by my side and he went for a nosey around in the garden at the church.

This week we've talked about lots in huddles but we've challenged our members to start their day with a glass of water, I was asked why a couple of times and as much as I wanted to say "because I said so" :) but the real reasons include the fact we dehydrate in the night, more so in this heat, and we need to rehydrate, our brains are mostly made up of water so let's help that get going in the morning too. Drinking water in the morning can help flush out all the toxins that stores in your body overnight. As you drink water, it naturally stimulates movement in your bowels and also helps regularise your morning spree to the bathroom!  During the night, your body repairs itself and casts out all the toxins in the body. As you drink water on an empty stomach in the morning, you will surely flush out these harmful toxins, leaving a fresh and healthy body.  

Now some members said does it start your metabolism, the truth is your metabolism never stops, but googling this morning, I've found plenty of websites that suggest it does boost it but also websites that counter argue that, including this one Drinking Water in the Morning: Does It Have Benefits? (

Why did Elle & I challenge members to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning?  Main reason was so that they'd drunk at least one glass of water that day, water is good for us end of, by drinking that one glass, it might make them think about drinking more, or remind them they're getting their healthy on so they'll make wiser choices that day.  We all get so busy in the day, I know many people will go for hours without a drink, knowing we've got them to drink at least one glass is a start, if they can make it a daily habit, happy days, reducing their caffeine intake a little would be a bonus.  I have naturally reduced by caffeine intake over the last lockdown period because I stopped drinking in the day as no one was offering me a cup, now I only have one or two a day, usually in the morning and this week since drinking the water, it's been one maximum. 

I have just full on had a conversation with a fox!  Yeah, I know, I've been a crazy cat lady for years feeding the cat that's not my cat and his ginger mate but this fox knows me by sight now, as sometimes when he comes to the back garden I'll be in the kitchen and he'll see me and back off, then if I go out with Alfie first thing he stares before running.  This morning, I've just seen him through the front window as I'm typing and he was being annoyed by a magpie who was following him and picking on him lol, yeah he was, the fox was just looking for food so whether they were trying to keep him away from something I don't know.  I went to get a tube of webbox for him and when I opened the front door, he was stood across the road, I held the tube up so he could see it, put it in the dish and went back inside, a minute later he walked over and got it and took it home!  I know different people have different opinions of them, but I'm a fan of all creatures and we've encroached on their territory so in my eyes, if I feed him, he ain't gonna kill another creature to be fed.  

Right I need to get off, got a zoom this morning with lovely people, wanna fit a walk in beforehand, here's to a good, very possible lazy day ;) xx 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x


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