Saturday 22 May 2021

Saturday morning cuppa with the gang - can't wait!

Saturday 22nd May 2021
As long as you're breathing, it's not to late to change your story.

Well enough with the rain already, even Alfie don't wanna walk in it, we managed one walk yesterday so only managed 5.5k steps yesterday, just wasn't happening!  I did sort out my self assessment with the tax people though thankfully as I'd made a bit of a mess of signing up as self employed and it wouldn't let me do anything, but it's all done and I've got my tax return completed for UW from when I joined in Sept till April 6th, I've put the money to one side so I can get it paid rather than holding onto it and falsely thinking it's mine - you don't mess with the tax man, well I don't anyway! 

Thankfully our new venture will go on next years returns, excited again this morning for our first sit down at Old Fallings, a room full of chatter once more I hope!  

I ended up making chicken hotpot yesterday so that fed me enough to last me all day, it was easy cold weather comfort food, plus Alfie got to eat some chicken too and the foxes got the bones and skin (yeah I left the skin!)

Talking of Alfie, I left him whilst I went over the shop to post a parcel and go to the pet shop and when I drove back into the close he was on the window sill in the box room, looking out for me and watching the world which is excellent progress because he wasn't full on stressed out like he has been for the last two months when I've left.  He was the same Thursday when my sister turned up, we both ignore him till he stops barking, again that's helping as he calms down much quicker.  Hopefully he'll continue to get better with being left and not so anxious, he'll never be left for long but I want to be able to just nip out for an hour here or there, I've spent too many years not being able to haven't I.

Another dreary weekend out there by the looks, but as long as it's dry when my brother comes to do my decking (hopefully end June) then I'll suck it up, I can amuse myself plenty in my house, watching tele and relaxing is still a novelty.  I binge watched the first series of Innocent yesterday, it was excellent, I'll look forward to watching the second on now.  I also caught up on Greys and a couple of others I watch weekly - bloomin love telly and being a lazy bitch right now, it's still such a novelty.

Looks like I finally have new neighbours too, the contracts must have gone through yesterday as the daughter had told me they were due to and there was quite a bit of movement next door, good to have it occupied again, it's been a year since she passed away so it's been empty all that time. 

Right, I'm away to wash and dress ready for the day, Alfie's got up mardy bless him, he'll be okay once he's had another hour snooze, he can't be tired we went to bed at eight last night!  I love sleep again too :) 

Have a wonderful if somewhat wet weekend, hope to see lots of you this morning, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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