Tuesday 4 May 2021

May the 4th be with you.

Tuesday 4th May 2021
Be good to people for no reason.

Well I decided to make some hummus type thing yesterday with chick peas, mustard and low fat mayo, now I've never been a fan of chick peas unless they're mushed up, but when I opened the can I tried one and it turns out my tastebuds have changed because I sat and ate half the can for my breakfast and enjoyed them!  Now I'll be able to have them in salads and as a snack going forward and they're healthy, cheap and good on calories about 120 per 100g depending on the brand.  They're  a plant based source source of protein and contain several vitamins and minerals and are also a good source of fibre - so yes I need more of these in my life.  

I fancied gravy for dinner and then remembered the minted chicken I'd cooked but realising I have mint sauce on my roast dinners I decided why not, I went a little crazy with the wedges but it was bloomin delicious. 

I ended my meals for the day with crackers and hummus, some of the one I'd made and some of the red pepper one I'd bought.  I'll definitely make my own in the future, one because it works out much cheaper but also it tasted just as good, if not better and I didn't use any oil at all. 

I've done my yoga again this moring, Alfie doesn't make it easy but he does make me chuckle as he helps me do the downward dog.  I've had 8 hours sleep, went up at 8 and got up at half 4, those hours suit me I think, if I can get in bed before 9, I sleep well and don't get the munchies, after all you won't find your mattress in the fridge will you. 

Two weeks today, we'll be able to sit together in a room!  Elle and I will be doing our first full week of Be Happy Owls Huddles and I cannot wait, (get it in your diary) details at the bottom of this blog, please spread the word, help us make a living doing what we love.  Hopefully it'll be warmer by then and we'll all be starting to enjoy life too.  I have my second jab that week too, happy days. 

Got a busy day today, catching up with some Owls, I have laptop work I want to be getting done and I need to get in contact with my mechanic, I think my car needs new brake pads, there's a noise anyway.  

I did enjoy a couple of films yesterday, Ride and Come as you are, both on Sky Cinema (I'm locked in to it till November lol, then I'll be cancelling and saving myself some money there) they were both worth a watch though, oh and The Good Liar with Helen Mirren and Ian McKellen, wow I did sit watching tv for a good few hours didn't I.  I did clean the bathroom upstairs before having a lovely bath at least, just checked my fitbit just over 6k steps and 36 active minutes, we only went for one walk because of the rain we were out a good hour if not walking actively for all of the time :)

Oh ma'an, I should've whacked the heating on cos I need to go shower and damn it's cold!  Might put it on now and go wash up whilst it warms up then shower!  That's a plan.

Here's to a very good day, it's Star Wars day isn't it, May the 4th be with you! 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

Bev & Elle’s Happy Owl’s Huddles

(two experts for the price of one!)


There are no miracles, no magic potions, lotions or pills!

Are you ready to lose your lockdown pounds that are weighing you down both physically & emotionally!

Between us we have over 30 years’ experience and we’ve helped thousands of people successfully lose weight and achieve their goals, we believe accountability and group support are the secret to success.  The Real Magic is believing in yourself - if you can do that, you can make anything happen.


No hidden costs, no monthly subscriptions, no missed weeks to pay, start being your own weight loss expert (you choose your plan) whilst being motivated, supported, having a giggle and a whole lot more!  We want to make it accessible to all as we appreciate the effect the last year has had on everyone which is why we are only charging
£4 per week!  

Tuesdays 9-10.30am & 5-6.30pm RCCG The Soughtout assembly (opp Tesco / Esso station & Lancaster pub) Stubby Lane WV11 3NF

Thursday 8.30-10.30am & 4.30-6.30pm Bloxwich Memorial Club, 5 Harrison Street, WS3 3HP

Saturdays 9-10.30am United Reform Church, Old Fallings Lane, Wton. WV10 8BH

Contact us for more information 07739 968 678


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