Saturday 1 May 2021

Make May Matter

Saturday 1st May 2021
May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears.

No excuses this month, when food like this takes five minutes to cook!  385 calories, absolutely delicious, the recipe was in yesterdays blog, it's vegetarian and if you're vegan just miss off the egg.  

I'm getting me a nice collection of tasty meals for one, so far there's this one, the garlic noodles I did a few weeks ago, oh the egg fried rice, I might need that in my life today, mmm shall I put the chicken in the slow cooker then I can eat off that all weekend.   Maybe not as I've got some chicken coming from Dave (Penn Road Butchers), I've asked him to get me some skinless and boneless flavoured thighs, if you fancy some of his stuff but don't wanna drive that far he'll be on the carpark of United Reform Church, Old Fallings this morning for an hour till half ten.  They also delivery nationally now you know!  Oh yeah, here's the website Penn Road Butchers | Home  I'm having mint, tandoori and bbq, 3 kg packs and I'll split them and pop in freezer.  Minted chicken sounds and even looks weird but trust me, it's absolutely delicious and at 150 calories per 100g it's worth it. 

It'll be busy round here today, hope it doesn't rain, I'm having the back bedroom plastered and my brothers coming to dismantle and remove the huge shed in the garden, it's got to be 12 x 8 or at least 10 x 6, it's bloody big anyway and will leave such a space ready for the decking when my other brother can fly over.   My big brother was 60 yesterday, that's wonderful because after his diagnosis of prostrate cancer over 2 years ago, they wouldn't give him an idea of how long he had left because his cancer was so bad, but true Longsden, he ain't going down without a fight. 

Alfie and I are going out this morning to leave them all to it for a few hours, he loved yesterday, 2 hours we were over the park, then we had another hour out on the afternoon.  I was still productive inbetween, I started emptying the important stuff I wanted to keep from the shed and then I fox proofed (I think) the front of the summerhouse. 

If you are going to pop along to the church to see Dave, bring some extra pennies because this amazing young man who's been doing charity stuff all through April will be there selling raffle tickets let's help get him to £1k, he's an inspiration.  Give the kid a quid.

I did a UW appointment yesterday too, last minute, they move into their new flat on Tuesday and now she's all set up with electric, broadband, 2 mobile sims and a cashback card, plus she was going to look at the home insurance as well.  Was lovely knowing I'd helped in some way.

Right I'm off, got lots to do this morning, I am going to put that chicken in slow cooker, it'll keep me on track later.  Have a great day, let's make May matter xx

Mwah, luv ya

Luv me 

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