Monday 24 May 2021

Happy Monday

Monday 24th May 2021

I had a lovely day yesterday, everything I like about life and I've just found a notepad from a good couple of years ago and I was using it to give me some focus and the front page says; 

"What matters most in life" and I've written "Being content, I was going to write happy but it's impossible to be happy all the time, I'll settle for content.  Being able to pay my bills and afford my life, not going hungry and enjoying good health matters to me.  Making my moms final years as comfortable as possible and helping those I love and care for when I can.  That I do things that I enjoy."

Well nothing much has changed there, accept the obvious and I can say I did may moms final years as comfortable as was possible.  I like a simple life, being able to walk Alfie, eat a decent meal, chill and watch tele, or read a book, do some crochet and I'm happy these days.  I'm not saying my wanderlust won't return or I won't want more in the future but right now I'm as happy as a pig in muck I really am. 

Alfie and I went for a cracking long walk on morning, got back just in time for our Happy Owls zoom at 9 which was a good catch up, came off that not just with meal ideas but also what I needed to watch on tele, which was Motherland, turns out I'd already seen the first series but I gave it a rewatch, then enjoyed binging the other two series, that was my day sorted.  Alfie and I did have another walk inbetween and on the after I sat there and suddenly fancied cake, I never eat cake really but they were always in a cafe in the show and I'm sure cake had been mentioned a lot on Saturday in our huddle, so there was me and Alfie snuggled up on the settee, so I slipped off my dressing gown, left the tele on, slipped my coat and shoes on and nipped down the tesco garage, I got me some sushi, a carrot cake, packet of prawn cocktail crisps (meal deal wasn't it), salted almonds and a couple of cheese topped rolls mmm.  

When I got back, I peeped through the living room window to see where Alfie was as he wasn't in the window or porch and I was thrilled to see he was still on the settee, quite relaxed, he is definitely getting better, it's such a relief. 

I then proceeded to have me a bit of a picnic.  I'd had a healthy breakfast for 320 calories; 

I made this delicious cob with an Aldi fish burger (rubbish photo I know) but I used up the home made coleslaw and the salad leaves that were use by 23rd.  If you've never had the fish burgers from Aldi, they are lush for 183 calories, I like the buttermilk one but they also do one with a bit of a kick.  The bread roll was about 200 calories, better than a maccy's fillet of fish and I love them! 

Now let's talk cake, jeez you don't get a lot, this fit on a side plate and apparently has 6 slices (255 a slice) in it, not for the cake people I know, I probably ate a quarter at most, thankfully it's fresh until 27th and I've put it in airtight tubs, the whole thing is 1,530 in total wowzers.  

Although I easily topped up my calories in crisps, nuts, sushi and wine, but it was so good and as Elle said on the morning, we are foodie people and we enjoy eating good food, she's write, I love good food and I haven't indulged for a bit to be honest.  I've weighed this morning and I'm still a pound under that stone, so I've lost 9lb total from the heaviest I was this year, that's with just being mindful of the calories in things, not writing everything down but not pretending that stuff doesn't count just because I've not wrote it down. 

In this notebook is other stuff, lists including 'tv that makes me happy', 'foods that make me happy', 'meals I enjoy', 'in what ways to I take care and look after myself', good reminders for me to read and build on.  On the food list is trout, I was reminded how much I like it yesterday, they haven't had it in Sainsbury's in a long time but I was told Aldi sell it, so that's on my to eat list.  

One way I've been taking care of myself this year is with my Strictly Professional skin care, I've tried lots of stuff in the past, I never stick with it, either because it's expensive and / or I can't see what difference it's making so why bother.  This time, I bought the pack which was a bloody bargain, Vicky showed me exactly how to use it properly and I could see the difference, I could also afford to buy the larger ones and I use it daily.  I'm buying the pedicure lotion next, time to look after my feet, the heels are already dry before the summer arrives and the sandals go on!  If you're interested in excellent, value for money creams, get in touch with V if you know her or me and I'll pass your details on, she even shows you how to use the stuff if you're like me and haven't got a clue, does it over zoom. 

I started crocheting a blanket yesterday, I bloody hope there's enough of the yarn to make it a decent lap blanket, if not it'll be a shawl lol, it was just good to sit doing it whilst watching tv, I'll continue that today, not sure what my plan for the day ahead involves but I know I won't be over busy, I may do a bit of work but then again I might not, I'll be busy enough Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, I'm all for spending less and working less now, can't wait for the sunshine to finally arrive so we can enjoy some time in the garden.  

Time for another cuppa, hope you have a good day, ask yourself what matters most in your life.  Here's something you can do; 

Make a list of things that make you happy.  Make a list of things you do every day.

Compare the lists and adjust accordingly & do more of what makes you happy every day. 

On that note, I'll say turrah

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x 

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