Friday 7 May 2021

Give yourself a break!

Friday 7th May 2021
Stop overthinking, you're only creating problems that aren't there.

Well yesterday I tried to make spinach pancakes/crepes/wraps call them what you will, I found a couple of different recipes online 2-Ingredient Spinach Tortillas {Vegan, Grain-Free} | power hungry being the one I opted for because of the lack of oil being used.  

Anyway, proof that if at first you don't succeed lol, here's what happened!

It stuck to the pan, I couldn't get it out and it was too thick and a disaster.  Now that recipe calls for a blender, I only had a food processor so mine wasn't as clear as hers, mine had some bits of spinach in it still showing, she did say to leave it for a least an hour, I hadn't, so I took Alfie for a walk, then tried again when I got back with more success.  The ingredients I used were;

100g spinach
150g chickpea flour (Gram flour in Sainsburys) 
325ml water 
Big pinch of salt

Mixed it all together in food processor (blender better apparently) leave for an hour or more, then I used about 2/3rd ladle at a time, I also used a pan liner to stop them sticking, this kind of thing, pic from amazon but you can get them in places like B&M, pound land, if they're square but them into rounds. 

I was really pleased with how they turned out, 2-Ingredient Spinach Tortillas {Vegan, Grain-Free} | power hungry reckons they'll kill refrigerated in airtight container for up to 2 weeks, I managed to get 8 pancakes if you include the one that failed and they'd be about 75 calories each. 


I walked to get my car back again, my knees wasn't impressed when I got home, glad of that painkiller gel stuff I was, but I enjoyed the beef dinner I'd cooked before I left the house. 

I'm sleeping really well too, thankfully, I think that makes such a difference to everything.  Yesterday was a good day, maybe not a lose weight day but a good day. 

Now, I've been reading people's comments on Facebook about feeling ashamed of not being able to lose weight, or not liking themselves enough.  We all need to remember how bloody difficult this last 14 months has been, remind ourselves that our bodies and brains do everything in their power to get us to overeat, hell temptation is everywhere - give yourself a break and remember how BeYOUtiful and amazing you are!  You're surrounded by people who love you for you, not for the numbers on a scales or because you say no to that cake.  Do what you can when you can and when you struggle, give yourself a break, remember we don't take care of anything we don't love xx

Right let's do our best today, I've got another beef dinner to enjoy, I might have eggs on a breakfast muffin now with a big mug of tea.  I'm struggling to drink the water because it's so bloody cold!  

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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