Tuesday 6 April 2021

Middle of the night blog

Tuesday 6th April 2021 
The wound is not my fault, but the healing is my responsibility.

Well I had a really early night last night, about seven but I've now been wide awake since half eleven, lay there for over an hour and now sitting in my living room with a long night ahead of me.  

My phone is broken too, it won't turn off, it's completely unresponsive so I'm waiting for it to completely drain of power in the hope that when I charge it, it might work again!   

Other than that, I'm good, I'm ready to lose some weight, get my healthy back because I am fed up of being in pain and I'm hoping losing weight will ease that a little, even walking Alfie is becoming unpleasant because it hurts my back.

I need to get some routine back to how, when and what I eat, gonna make a list of healthy meals I enjoy eating, start using my Be Happy Owls journal and enjoy the journey.  I need to get my portions back under control too because I'm eating enough for two most of the time, especially when you look at what is a recommended portion size!  

I just got distracted looking for portion info on the nutrition website, 430251 BNF Fridge Piece STAGE 9 (nutrition.org.uk) some good info there. 

Then there's the alcohol intake, that definitely needs cutting down! It actually needs cutting out for a few days, give my liver a rest.  Yeah let's give my body the shock of it's life and enjoy a few days of good clean living, plenty of fruit and veggies, fish, beans and stuff like that. 

I was just looking at that website and got onto the menopause bit, that won't be helping my aches and pains either apparently, so here's to giving my body a fighting chance of surviving the menopause and getting back to a size that it's comfortable being. 

Now I know I have frozen berries in the freezer and I think I have a tin of pink grapefruit in the cupboard, that's some fruit I can have today until my shopping comes tomorrow, I also have some veg in the fridge, I have a red and a white cabbage that I think is still alive which I can make a bit of coleslaw of a sort with.  I have lots of fish in the freezer and baked beans in the cupboard - I'm thinking out loud here, rrying to remember what I can eat.  I could do a pasta dish one of the days too, make a nice sauce but I think I actually have a little pasta sauce pot, mmm that with spaghetti will be nice.  

I'm looking forward to not feeling stuffed and uncomfortable and hopefully to walking the dog without the base of my back being in bits.  

Well it's half one, do I go back to bed and attempt to sleep again? Yeah I'll give it a go, at least I'll be lying down resting, even if my eyes aren't asleep.  

Here's to a great day when it actually 'should' start, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx 

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