Sunday 11 April 2021

BeYOUtiful x

Sunday 11th April 2021
What other people think of you, is none of your business. 

One of my favourite sayings is above, I used to say it a lot to people in my meetings when they were stressing about their size and / or how the looked!  Often they were more concerned with what others thought than how they thought about themselves. I got it, I'd been there!  In my teens I never felt like I fitted in, then in my 20's I constantly cared what others thought, I spent hours at the gym alongside eating fresh air trying to get the perfect body.  Then I hit my 30's and it took a few more years and a lot of reading before I decided to be myself completely.  Turned out people quite liked me, well some did, some didn't and that was okay too.  We're all a bit complex aren't we!

I've just read something that made me smile and I wanted to share, here's the truth "Nobody's thinking about you!"  Yep, true story, we all spend our twenties and thirties trying so hard to be perfect, because we're so worried about what others think of us, then by our forties and fifties, we decide we don't really care what anyone things about us.  It's when we reach our sixties and seventies, when you finally realise the truth and that is that nobody was every thinking about you, nope they were too busy thinking about themselves!  Let's be honest no one has got the time to care about what you're up to, or how you're  getting on because they're wrapped up in their own chaos, and even if the do occassionally think about you, it will only be briefly, they'll soon go back to their own mess.  Isn't it great to realise you can be yourself and stop putting on a front, work on becoming your own best friend, love and treat yourself as you would your very best friend.  You sure deserve the same level of love and attention you give to others.

Hopefully you're blessed to have amazing people in your life like I have, I can't believe how many I'm blessed to know especially as I can be hard work, I know I can, I can go from being completely socialable to not wanting to see anyone at all, I used to go somewhere every weekend and have days out, then I'd spend months cocooned up at home alone.  Obviously I've not had a choice for the last few years so now I'm readjusting to my new norm and even that's being affected by Covid still, I couldn't have a houseful of people if I wanted to, but I honestly don't know if I'd want to yet.

I'm just working on me for me, going easy on myself whilst I do it and doing my best to take care of myself.  I didn't do too badly at that yesterday, Alfie and I had a couple of walks, got wet on the second one and a little impatient with him as my washing was on the line, but I soon decided, does it really matter, I'll just get it in and dry it on airers.  

Foodwise, I enjoyed bubble and squeak for breakfast - 331 calories, I froze the other have from the pan; 

It was tasty, I added a couple of slices of bacon to the pan which added an extra layer of flavour. 

Later on I enjoyed this plate for 500 calories, well the food on the plate not the plate itself, I've not gone that random!

The fish strips were good, not overly curry flavoured though and this salad dressing spray is really good too.  I've had it in the fridge a long time, it still tastes okay to me. 

It all went a bit tits up later, I had wine and then I found the leftover gravy in the fridge and had a couple of slices of bread and spread dunked in it, at least they were small slices from a 400g loaf! 

Had a lovely catch up yesterday on zoom, saw a few people in person too which is nice even if it's cold out there and bloody hell is it cold out there at the minute!  A very lovely lady dropped me some coathangers round so I can try and organise my chaos a little, I can't believe I've not got enough coat hangers, they're usually everywhere.  That can be today's task, hanging it all up.  

I froze my leftover mash after being told it would be okay to, better than having to eat the same food the next day, I wanted a salad.  What to eat today?  I'll have brunch later I think with my packet of smoked salmon maybe with eggs, I'll see.  I fancy rice later, so possibly a curry, again because everything in the house now is pretty healthy as long as it's in moderation, I don't have to decide till I'm hungry. 

Anyways, I'm walking with my bro this morning I think, so I better get myself dressed, although my phone is saying snow for the next couple of hours, it's not happening yet thankfully.

Here's to a slow Sunday, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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