Thursday 11 March 2021

Well how about that!

Thursday 11th March 2021
Start each day with a grateful heart.

I'm sitting here a little bewildered, I do believe I've had a relatively calm and undisturbed night!  I'm that tired that a hot room, painful shoulder and not the most comfortable bed is becoming less of an issue and mom bless her has slept well, usually even when she's asleep she talks in her dreams, but she's only woke me a few times for the toilet.  She is a poorly old bird, she doesn't deserve this at all. 

The daytime had its moments, she wanted to go home when I was on a UW call, Anne came round for an hour and she was better afterwards.  It really is extreme how much difference sleep makes to this household, I'm more able to handle her behaviour and the more enthusiastic I get about my life too.

Food wise yesterday I enjoyed this thing of beauty, it wasn't planned but mom asked for egg and chips so I saw the egg and I wanted one too.   There's nothing more delicious than an egg fried with oil so it has the crispy bits round the outside, truly scrumptious.  

Now I know some people would be thinking OMG fried food!  But it's all about balance, lots of people have butter on their bread still and there's not a great deal of difference in calories between the two.  92 calories in a large fried egg according to a google search - worth every one of those extra calories I say! 

These were also lush, large portobello mushrooms with jarred peppers, smoked proscuitto bacon (I bought the wrong bacon so it's got to be eaten don't usually eat smoked bacon but it was ok) topped with mozzarella cheese.  I had fish in batter and corn on the cob for tea, forgot the photo but it was tasty too.  I will improve my meals a little at a time, no pressure in this house this month, I'm just making it through March.  

I'm thinking a cooked breakfast though, breakfast muffin, egg, mushrooms and bacon, maybe I'll open a tin of tomatoes too.  That'll keep me going till later on for sure got a busy morning, the dementia nurse is coming at 10 then I have a UW appointment after that and at some point the district nurse will come to redress moms legs. 

I've just heard on the news there's chance of snow this month!  Please, can we have some nice weather and some positivity to balance out the crap that has been the past covid year!

Right, here's to a positive mindset today, I need to get my 'work' and 'future' brain on, if I can't do much now, I can focus on what can be done when I can do stuff.  

Have a great day, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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