Tuesday 16 March 2021

Moving More, Marlies Menu & Moxie

Tuesday 16th March 2021 
It doesn't matter what others are doing, it matters what you are doing.

Well I did 2 good walks yesterday, one with Elle and one with Alfie, the one with Elle was more productive ;) we caught up and discussed our plans for the future,  exciting times!  It was a lovely bright fresh day too so thankfully we didn't get wet.  

Food wise, tried to add some more colour to my plate, something to put my focus on other than mom. 

Speaking of which, the poor love now has a water infection to add to all her other issues, so as you can imagine, the last 24 hours have been eventful.  You honestly couldn't make it up, she's persistently done her best to wake me up continually since just gone midnight, when I finally gave up and sat in my chair around half 3, she's settled and is now snoozing by the side of me!

I'm choosing to focus on other things, I can't help her behaviour and what's going on, there's lots of things I can't do at the moment including actively making UW calls, but I can hope people contact me.  I can make sure I eat well today though, I'm thinking fruit for breakfast, maybe eggs with one of those cobs I have.  Lunch I'm thinking fish and veggies and if I'm still hungry later a salad or maybe soup, we shall see. 

I know today is going to be a difficult day with mom because yesterday was and nothings changed overnight, so I'll focus on doing laptop work, lots to get done, a business zoom call to have, hopefully mom will behave, thankfully they know my situation so it'll be okay anyway. 

I watched Yes Day and Moxie yestrday, both on netflix, easy viewing, I enjoyed them but I'm easily pleased. 

Brains not working for blogging this morning, think it's because my heads elsewhere with things I can't share just yet but watch this space.  

I'm contemplating a Marlies for the weekend, if anyone local wants something Marlie's Menu | Facebook but only wants one dish, I'm happy for you to have it delivered to mine with my order and you can collect it when you're passing. I fancy masala and wings.  

Okay I'm off to make me some breakfast, I've been up a couple of hours already and my belly is rumbling, moms sat next to me talking to someone who isn't there, apparently they have a big chin and there's 3 living at the bottom of our garden! 

Here's to making it through March and being as positive as possible, my pain in my back and shoulders isn't so bad this morning, sure it's because I've moved more.

Luv ya 

Love me xx



  1. we watched moxie over the weekend too

  2. Bladder infections cause confusion in the elderly which would make your Mom's event worse.
