Saturday 20 March 2021

Mom's ignoring lockdown rules - she's been in a pub all night!

Saturday 20th March 2021
Eating well is a form of self love!

Well moms been in a pub for hours and the service is shit cos she's still waiting for a drink, she's just said 'do you think their bogs still open!' They are we've just been and used them and she's going home to bed now she's had enough.  

The Risk Assessment team came out yesterday, that's who comes instead of a doctor these days.  Her stats are okay, blood pressure etc, her hernia is getting bigger and will continue to do so, basically she looks pregnant, thankfully it's not painful, everything else is but not her belly.  Although she told the lady that came that she wasn't in any pain anywhere!  The lady was once again honest with me, she's on a DNR which I agreed to and it's just a matter of keeping her comfortable now, most of her problems are being caused by her dementia and there ain't sod all that can be done about that, I just have to handle the decline and hope something else sees her off before she gets worse because this is bad enough!

I've managed some sleep thankfully, sure I dropped off about half 6 last night and had a few hours, then we've been having dialogue all night, so I've slept where I can, at one point she was having a conversation and I said, 'mom I'm asleep', she replied 'I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to him under your bed!' Well that helped lull me back to sleep not lol.

The non dementia side of my day yesterday included a chat on the phone with a pal, a visit from another who came bearing gifts, lovely flowers and heart sponges to wash my mom as well as my breakfast for this morning posh eggs with salmon, I'll post the pic when I've had it.  I missed my bestie cos I was asleep when she came, gutted!  Most of my day was spent redoing a journal I've put together in a different format because the intial printing company still haven't got back to me and their timescales are poo, the one I contacted yesterday is not only cheaper but a two day turnaround.  I think I've found a Bloxwich venue too, another missed called as I was asleep but they've messaged me.  Two calender months until we're completey free to do what we please without restrictions - I can't wait!  I miss my community, I miss my Owls!  I miss non dementia time!

Oh and I'd missed my Marlie's, it's been a while but the tandoori wings were amazing as always, Alfie was not impressed I wouldn't share.  That green stuff is edamame and avocado smashed together with garlic, lemon juice, onion powder and salt and pepper.  

I decided to have my Marlie's chicken tikka masala with chips from Aldi (99p for kg bag)
These were good chips! 

For anyone not on Facebook you can contact Marlie's menu on +44 7763 866941 or email at and I'll post her next menu when she puts it up on facebook. 

I've still got the pot of rice that came with my curry left, I might have egg fried rice for lunch as I don't want too much because I've got my Charcuterie board coming for tea and a Breakfast box for Sunday morning from League of Delights. If my breakfast fills me up and keeps me going till tea time, I'll freeze the rice or even keep it till tomorrow - it'll be okay!

I challenged myself to make my meals more colourful this week and I think I've managed to do that, I've eaten lots more salad, heck I've had radish! I've also eaten fruit which is impressive for me, raspberries, cherries, pomegranite and mango. I've got another challenge for myself (and you if you're up for it) I'll post it tomorrow morning as the weeks not complete on the colourful stuff, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I'm sat drinking water, I've drunk a lot in the night actually, so all this healthy eating is making me want to drink healthier too. Not lying, I'm still having the wine, it's how I managed to fall asleep at half 6 last night but heck I'm grateful for that sleep and it's worth bordering on being a full blown drunk for now! I'll check into rehab once mom passes, it'll all be good.

Mom's having a chat with a group of girls now, she's proper loud when she has these chats, they must have music on in the pub and she's having to talk over the noise lol.

Right I'm off, it's almost 5am, I'm gonna go have me a nice, long shower, I think mom will be okay whilst I'm in there and at least I can hear her and come out if need be. I really need to give my house a hoover, meh, housework sucks nearly as much as dementia. I've got a zoom this morning to look forward too, if Alfie ain't up for a walk I might go on my own again. I can feel spring is making a difference to my mood, that and the fact, the end of lockdown is
hopefully on the horizon filling me with hope.

Have a wonderful day, I know I've got lots to look forward too and distract me from the dementia side of it all.

mwah, luv ya

Love me


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