Saturday 6 March 2021

Here's to a good poo day!

Saturday 6th March 2021
Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. 

Another lousy night downstairs, my shoulder/back isn't happy with me at all, but we're doing our best to get some sleep, what can I say!  Mom, well there's not much to say that hasn't already been said, she's there in body but that's about it, every day she gets further away and also delivers the yuckiest habits, but hey it is what it is and we can't do much about it. 

This morning I'm off for a walk with my our Ian and that's making everything better to be honest, a hour or 2 walking along the canal = happiness.  I even managed to do a little work yesterday without interruption, so that's definitely progress. 

I've become a Pinterest addict this week, I've always had an enjoyable relationship with the website, it's the first one I open when I go to write my blog to look for quotes but I'm using it at the moment for inspiration for my house for the future.  I think I'm going to be bold and paint the kitchen NOW though, obviously not right this minute but when I can get me some paint.  I like the idea of bright yellow, bring some sunshine indoors!  

In your face yellow!  But because the units are more cream than white, I might need to calm the yellow a little, we shall see, hell it could be green tomorrow, my heads a bit fickle at the moment. 

I might also want some hardy indoor plants to put in there too, or maybe a few herbs then they'll be useful too.  I need something to stimulate my brain and I know it won't be easy to be in the other room but maybe I could talk her into sitting in there watching me do it.  If I don't try, I'll never know.  I got the portable wheelchair out yesterday that next door daughter gave me, I'm going to try and get her in that at some point when the weather warms up she said yesterday, so again keep trying.  

We need Spring to full on arrive and bring some warmth and sunshine, I was an eating machine yesterday, I think I had 5 meals in the end!  They were all tasty though lol and I did share a little with Alfie.  I also never cooked that meal I'd planned on cooking though, mom was too demanding yesterday. 

It's 5am now we've been up up since 4am, by that I mean I've been woken every hour at least throughout the night but I gave up at 4 and now she's snoozing next to me!  You couldn't make it up.

At least I'm gonna have a little freedom to start my day, I spoke to the doctor about her medication yesterday so that's sorted, she had all sorts of suggestions on how to get mom 'regular' and only trying to go to the toilet twice a day, instead of the 20 times she wanted to try and poo yesterday, if only it was that easy to communicate with someone with dementia ay!  

Here's to a poo free day, well not completely free but not the obsessive day like she had yesterday!  What is my world coming to when all we need is a good poo and it's a good day! ;) 

On that note, I wish you a good poo day too and I'll say turrah a bit.

Luv ya, 

Love me xx

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