Tuesday 30 March 2021

Dementia & Death makes you fat!

Tuesday 30th March 2021
Just start - it's as simple as that!

Well I slept and I only got out of bed once for Alfie, I was in bed by 7, my aches and pains were bothering me so I thought, they don't hurt when I'm lying down so that's what I did and I stayed there till half four!  

Yesterday was my first 'without wine' day in a very, very long time, I had a light food day too because of my tummy issues, I turned wine into mushroom soup not quite Jesus level but it was needed and I didn't even turn it, I just opened a different cupboard.  

I've just stood on the scales, I turned myself into a much heavier version without much difficulty though, I'm 14st 7lb, I have never in my life weighed that, but I've never lost my mom either.  That's what a combination of dementia and covid lockdowns do for ya, time to sort it out for sure.  I don't care about the numbers, I really, really don't but I do care about how I feel and my body hurts, my backs in bits, my sciatica is playing up, my knee feels like it's been hit by a hammer and my stomach twists and turns after every meal at the minute.  

I'm hoping all the activity I've started doing around the house will burn some calories, I pulled the carpet up in moms room yesterday and cut it into squares to fit in bin bags, then I started to pull some of the paper off her wall.  That's gonna be a bitch of a job but a little bit at a time and I'll get there.  The forecast is lovely today so I'll spend it in the garden cleaning up the garden furniture ready for sitting on.  

Doing stuff and keeping active stops me thinking, 'what can I eat next' too, it's helping that the crap ain't in the house either.  I do have a few packets of crisps but that's about it on the junk scale.  I've got convenience food in the freezer but if I eat it in the portions it meant to be, that's okay too. 

Yesterday was a strange day, no not strange emotional, I stood in moms room early morning full of frustration because I didn't know where to start, bloody teddy's and bedding - seriously how many old quilt covers does one house need.  After crying on the phone to my sister, I started putting it all in bags, it's on the landing now, needs to go in the shed until I can get rid of it all at a charity shop, then I started ripping up the carpet, I remember screaming at one point - it felt good, proper gutteral. 

I had a drive to my brothers to fetch back some chairs I'd given him years ago, I'm going to turn them into a dining bench, I also spent way too long searching the internet for chairs!  You want to sit in them don't ya, it's not the same if you can't so I'll probably wait until that's possible. 

Alfie was a little nightmare, had a full on made hour yesterday, I think he was bollocking me for what I was doing to moms carpet to be honest but he's been golden all night, slept through except that one wake up, but when you think he goes 12 hours without weeing - that's impressive for anyone, let alone a little old dog!

eggs and tomatoes on toast for brekkie this morning I think and something healthy again later, I'm not expecting miracles and fabulous weight loss but if I can just improve my diet that's a great start.  I did say I just needed to make it through March and I almost have.  It came be Attempting in April, 

It sounds slightly better than 'try' lol, although it pretty much means the same! 

According to those dictionary definitions the difference between attempt and try is something difficult!  Let's be honest nothing is more difficult that losing weight and being healthy, well maybe that's a bit extremem but I know more people struggling with that than most things. 

Here's to finding something to fit to continue my tasks today, sure I have leggings that'll do the job, my baggy jeans that make me look like a hobo are in the washing.  I need to be wearing scruffs anyway cos it's a mucky job clearing crap, doing garden stuff and stripping paper.

Here's to a productive day, a healthier day, I hope you all got to see friends and/or relatives in your garden yesterday.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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