Thursday 4 February 2021

When a toothbrush is the highlight of your day!

 Thursday 4th February 2021

It's never a straight line that's for sure!

Yay, she's slept, so I'm hoping for a better day because this week has sucked from a dementia point of view so far and of course her behaviour effects everything in this house from what I can do to how I feel.  It's never pleasant being spoken to and treated in the way Ahzheimer's makes her behave. 

Anyways, thanks to my sister coming to the rescue and Alfie being in the mood I was able to escape for an hour, that broke the day up.  The telephone is my new best friend - who knew that would happen, I've never called people on it before but now I love to hear the sound of someones voice on the other end.  

You know things have got back when the most exciting thing that happens to you is your toothbrush heads being substitued with a toothbrush worth £75 and you get credited the difference - rock and roll lifestyle right there!

My stats as of today

I started at - 200lb
I wanna weigh - 165lb
I plan to lose - 35lb / 17.5% of my body weight.
The scales 24/1/21 - 189lb
I've already lost - 11lb 
Yesterday I stepped 8027 times 
I covered 3.6 miles 
I burned 2110 calories  

I consumed an improved amount but I haven't counted of calories
I was active for 36 minutes 
I slept 9 hours 27 mins

#walk1000miles challenge - Total YTD = 126.9 left to walk = 873.1

My 3 good things;

1) My telephone! 

2) My sister 💜

3) My friends 💜



I've not been able to work much this week because of moms mood and behaviour, it' like having a clingy child one minute and being treated like you're staff the next and there's a constant stream of foul language in the background that wouldn't be great on a call!  I need her to have a couple of good days so I can try and have a good work day, it's no good having a cracking January if Febuary is a wipe out!  Please if you've got half hour just let me tell you what we're all about, it's not hard sell, it's just showing you and either you're interested or your not, but you'll know to let others know.  Saving time, money and no hassle in the switching. 

I'm talking work cos not much else has gone on, I'm just thinking about my eating habits yesterday, much improved, I had a slice of toast for breakfast, lamb dinner that I'd made yesterday and for tea I had a pot noodle and a packet of crisps, plus a few lindt chocolates, so definitely room for improvement there.  I will track it all today - no excuses.  

I was chatting with my mate Karen yesterday and she knows a lot of ICU nurses, we were talking about their 12 hour shifts and she'd made them a big chocolate cake which was inhaled basically because they're exhausted and hungry.  Can you imagine 12 hours in full PPE, not being able to piddle when you want to, not being able to eat/drink when you need too, I take my hat off to them I really do!  So if you know a nurse, treat em to some chocolate, or pop a bottle of wine on their doorstep, anything to put a smile on their face and improve their day a little.  Actually anyone who's going out to work at the moment deserves a pat on the back!  

Okay, my 9.30 support appointment has just rearranged to next week, so I have nothing till noon, I wanted one more customer signed up before tonight to get my 50 customers, hey ho, tis what it is.

I did at least do some housework yesterday, I did more than planned as mom basically TOLD me too!  What will today bring, I'm going to cook some healthy food, my stomach has settled finally, had four days of discomfort in my esophagus (I've just googled to see what that bit was called lol) it was at the bottom of it, actually a little painful to the touch at the bit where it says lower esophagael sphincter!

Now I'm not doctor but I know that's down to my eating habits this last week and stress related and if I was being completely honest, the red wine probably wasn't helping!  

Are you bored yet? Lol.  Well there's not much else to talk about is there....

I've just helped mom down and settled her in the chair, it's no fun being her right now, she's so bloody uncomfortable, her weight and her heart make moving about difficult, if nothing else that should motivate me to get back on my healthy eating.

Yes, let's have a better day!

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx


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