Tuesday 2 February 2021

Sleep - YAY

Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Don't wait, the time will NEVER be right.

Mom  just come barging into my bedroom, 'have you just come home', she said, here we go again I thought, middle of the night, but yay when I looked it was nearly half 6 woo hooooooooo!  A decent sleep was had and for that I'm thankful because we needed it.

My stats as of today

I started at - 200lb
I wanna weigh - 165lb
I plan to lose - 35lb / 17.5% of my body weight.
The scales 24/1/21 - 189lb
I've already lost - 11lb 
Yesterday I stepped 8870 times 
I covered 73 miles 
I burned calories  

I consumed too many calories but we'll talk about that further down!
I was active for 3.78 minutes 
I slept 8 hours 44 mins

#walk1000miles challenge - Total YTD =  left to walk =

My 3 good things;

1) Blissful sleep, my fitbit says restless 16 times, but I don't care about that! 

2) 90 minutes on zoom with 5 amazing ladies. 

3) The wonderful district nurse that helped turn moms mood after a tough weekend.




Having some good sleep will hopefully help me get back on track with my eating.  Yesterday I did something I haven't do this year, I ate food that wasn't that good with a desparation that was ridiculous, I stood in the kitchen just stuffing it in and I know it was all stress prompted, mom was in the living being an absolute vile nightmare when they delivered 'meals on wheels', we were offered it free for one day a week for a trial period.  I showed her the bag and her reaction was, well let's just say if we were a couple I'd have kicked them out by now.  

I was disappointed because I hoped mom would eat the puddings, but they weren't good puddings, the meat in the dinner was processed, I think I expected that, but let's say bisto gravy granules could give the gravy a lesson in taste.  The apple crumble has no crumble at all and I couldn't find the jam in the roly poly.  I was stood up the counter in the kitchen when suddenly I realised what I was doing and stopped and had a word with myself.  On a positive I didn't eat again till half 6 when I enjoyed a french bread pizza but I shouldn't have eaten that to be honest as I wasn't hungry and I had indigestion. 

Fresh start today, I've just prepped some cauliflower to use today.  I have spinach in the fridge that needs using, today will be all about the healthy, my body needs some veggies!

I was pleased to save another family money yesterday, I also achieved Team Leader in January and got the email yesterday morning and that was down to teamwork, in UW you can't do it all on your own and I'm blessed to have joined the most amazing team who have supported, inspired and motivated me since joining and throughout January encouraged me so much.  I'm proud to say I've introduced some amazing ladies to the business too, 4 of which were on the zoom call last night, so good to have a team who know and get me and I them.  Who knew I'd be working with my mates and zoom would bring us all together as we're dotted all around the country. 

Being self-employed is scary we all agreed on that call last night, but we're in a time where we have to do what we can to survive, we're all reinventing ourselves and carving out a different career path.  Taking that fear and turning it into excitement is what will help us succeed!  

Oh did I mention, after mom woke me up at half six, she went back to bed!  Erm yeah, leaves me wide awake and goes back to sleep lol.  At least I get an hours piece before she gets up and sets the mood for the day.

Here's to making it through the day, trying to get appointments so I can show people what we're all about as we're not just a utility company.  Wish me luck.  Oh and to a day of a better relationship with food and eating healthier. 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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