Wednesday 24 February 2021

Happy Hump Day!

Wednesday 24th February2021
Inhale - Exhale (That's how you'll get through!)

I've got my jab today!  I'm not gonna lie, I am apprehensive, but mostly because I'm scared of needles, but also because a few people have said it knocked them about for 24-48 hours and I've got enough on my plate at the minute without feeling shocking, probably not the greatest idea for my sister and I to have the jab on the same day DOH but I'm taking comfort in the fact when mom had hers she didn't seemed phased by it at all and no side effects shown.  

Well yesterday I had a text message to rearrange an appointment, which is never a problem, what worried me was I didn't remember making the appointment, it wasn't in my diary and I had no recollection of this person.  Now I know I have a lot on my plate at the moment but this scared me, even to the point where I thought, am I drinking too much and I've had a black out!   I even messaged them to check and they replied we'd had a phone conversation about it!  Fast forward to that afternoon and I have a call from a UW partner saying some how this person was her customer but had my number, I worked it out, I'd supported them on a call and the customer had both of our numbers so had mixed them up.  I've never been so relieved if I'm honest, it really concerned me. 

Positives from yesterday, this worked for mom, I may be able to have a new career in care after what I've done the last week; 
She's slept a little better too, I've had to get up and go down to settle her as you can see from my sleep pattern, but she's settled easier and known a little more where she is, because she thinks she's in hospital some times still, I guess a bed in the living room is confusing, she's on a private ward at least lol.  

I had these for tea last night, they were really tasty, and only 299 calories or 11SP if you're following WW so I won't lie if I was 'dieting' I wouldn't spend 11SP on them but 299 calories I would.  I'm in a quandary at the moment about losing weight and 'dieting'.   I have enough on my plate without thinking about how much I weigh, at the same time I want to be healthy, so I feel I want to stop and breathe and see what happens naturally for a while whilst being aware of my behaviour.  I want to get to know the me that exists without 'plans' 'diets' or anything inbetween, I want to see how Bev will behave with no constraints and it'll take longer than a week or two to do that.  At first they'll be the 'ooo I can eat anything' period, but already I've noticed that wearing off, I craved vegetables the other day and thoroughly enjoyed them.  Not going to supermarkets over the last year has really helped take away tempation because I forget those foods exist.  I'm going to work my way through my freezer again as I've had a quiet work month with mom being poorly and more demanding so I need to keep my eye on my finances.  

I'm having a battle with the front door this morning, the lock keeps bleeping, I've tried changing the battery but it's still doing it, not what I need today! Hey Ho, something else to sort - wish me luck!

Here's to getting through the day, and if that's all I accomplish, that's absolutely OKAY!  

Do what you can to enjoy your day, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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