Monday 22 February 2021

Another week, let's survive it!

Monday 22nd February 2021
Merry Monday and a happy new week.  

Yesterday was a day of two halves, the bits where mom and I had a sing song and a couple of lovely hours were wonderful.  The health issues side, not so great, oh then there's the not sleeping thing.  If Fitbit was a person, I'd have wanted to punch it in the face this morning when it showed this message as I opened the app; 

Wouldn't it be wonderful to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, can Fitbit tell my mom that, we had a dreadful night, every one of those 'awake' moments was me coming down to try and calm her down and sort her out.  I'd argue that the sleep was as much as it says as just because you're lying flat with your eyes closed doesn't mean your asleep!  I am rested though thankfully, unlike at half one this morning when I was sat in the living room next to mom messaging a mate and sorting my banking, see that's why I know these graphs are wrong because I was downstairs till half two so don't believe everything your fitbit tells you folks!  


Anyway, happier things to focus on that happened yesterday, another £100 raised on a blanket raffle, just amazing, I have another one ready to raffle too, look at this 36inch square beauty, again truly talented Rosie Harris (Sheila), that's a heck of a lot of work there! 


If you want a £2 ticket or two before I post in on Facebook message me xx 

This beautiful bulb was a Christmas gift and I've lovingly watered it since then and this is my reward, there's on the other side abou to open too.  


Then the wonderful Nicki made me a big beef dinner, it was bloody delicious, I inhaled it if I'm honest, you can't beat a good Sunday roast. 

My goals for the last week of this month is to survive it!  I'm putting no pressure on myself to do anything other than care for mom, walk Alfie and hopefully get a bit of UW work to keep me going.  

I've got a baby blanket to make, although I'm not sure if I have enough white yarn to do one, I have a couple of different creams that would be enough but they wanted white, so we shall see.  

I need more caffiene today, horrid wet day out there too so I'm happy to stay home with a cuppa and my crochet!  Hope you've got something to look forward to in the day ahead, I'm going to go and plan a tasty breakfast I think, that'll make me smile.

Have a great day, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me 

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