Friday 15 January 2021

This girl is on fire....

Friday 15th January 2021
Be an inspiration! Have someone look at you and say because of you, I didn't give up!

My stats as of today

I started at - 200lb
I wanna weigh - 165lb
I plan to lose - 35lb / 17.5% of my body weight.
The scales 5/1/21 - 192lb
I've already lost - 8lb 
Yesterday I stepped 10,230 times 
I covered  4.32 miles 
I burned 2271 calories  

I consumed 1679 calories
I was active for 76 minutes 
I slept 7 hours 44 mins
 #walk1000miles challenge - Total YTD = 59.40 left to walk = 940.60

My 3 good things yesterday were;

1) Watching my mom having a conversation with the signer on tipping point xx

2) All my meals yesterday were delicious!

3) Getting a message from a happy customer ;) 


Woo Hoo, got me a lie in this morning, I did have a late night though, team meeting on Zoom, was worth staying awake for.  Mom's come down too and promptly gone back to sleep in her chair, bless her. 

I had another good day, here's what it looked like in food; 

Simple breakfast hummus on toast, quick and delicious!   

Now shopping online isn't always perfect but I'm very thankful for it for sure, I ordered a butternut squash and the one they sent me was absolutely HUGE, so I spent a bit of time prepping it yesterday and will eat it throughout the week with meals in place of chips, I love it roasted as my dinner or as chips so none of it will be wasted. 

This wasso good, the cod was from the freezer, I ate the entire packet because mom didn't want any, will start portioning things up before freezing going forward, so I don't have to defrost the entire pack.

An simple cheese salad sarnie for team, I used my potato peeler to cut the cheese nice and thinly and had it with a bit of salad cream (ooo must order more of that).  I love how simple it is to go and add it to my shopping basket - just done it so I don't forget. 

I didn't have any planned appointments yesterday but when a friend messaged me with this message; 

I said let's chat, so we did and by the end of the call, she ended up with not just her gas/electric but also her landlind, broadband and a mobile sim for less, just £165 a month, saving her £516 a year before she even starts using her cash back card which will save her more, as she said whatever she gets from the card will be a Brucy Bonus lol.

Hungry this morning, when I've finished my blog, I'll do my walk then make me something tasty, got lots to do today so it's a frozen ready meal for lunch with my butternut squash, planning my meals on a Monday is really helping me stay on track, prioritising myself is making all the difference, it really is.

Here's to a fabulous Friday, might even get to walk without ending up soaking wet like I did twice yestreday, it was Alfie's birthday 11 years old bless him so I was happy to walk in the rain, although I did moan like a bitch on the first walk because I had trainers on and my feet were soaking - hate wet feet lol. 

Right I'm off, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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