Wednesday 20 January 2021

Someone's nicked my bed!

Wednesday 20th January 2021
When you focus on the good, the good gets better.

My stats as of today

I started at - 200lb
I wanna weigh - 165lb
I plan to lose - 35lb / 17.5% of my body weight.
The scales 17/1/21 - 190lb
I've already lost - 10lb 
Yesterday I stepped 11,281 times 
I covered 4.8 miles 
I burned 2339 calories  

I consumed 2465 calories
I was active for 85 minutes 
I slept 6 hours 24 mins

#walk1000miles challenge - Total YTD = 77.6 left to walk = 9224

My 3 good things;

1) Having friends knock my front door with a gift

2) Having a walk with my bestie and the dog

3) Being asked to share my story on a team meeting zoom




'Are you working on your birthday?' That's what a text said yesterday morning, I think I've worked on my birthday most years unless it was a Sunday, I don't mind, January as a WW coach was always ridiculously busy anyway so we usually celebrated my birthday at a later date.

I did get to spend some of my working day enjoying a chat or two and also because I've choose to add amazing friends to my team, we get to have a reason to keep in touch, we're gonna be the dream team for sure!  Those that know Vicky, Kelly or Gail, they're looking for people to practice on (potential customers too), I won't mind you not choosing me and opting for them, I only have 24 hours in my day and we want to help as many people as possible save as much as possible.

Well as birthday's go, it had a couple of nice surprises, a yarn holder from Julie, what a fantastic gift, I've always fancied one but never bought one, then the lovely Lucy got me wine and pizza and the really thoughtful bit was she checked the calories for one that wasn't going to blow the bank, it was tasty too at 868 calories for the whole thing.  I had hundreds of birthday wishes which was wonderful.
I started my day with this delicious breakfast and it really was tasty, 

I left the pizza in slightly too long but it was still delicious; 

I had to return a parcel to Amazon, so Vicky arranged to walk to the top shops with me, Alfie insisted on joining us (mistake!), we had a chat and catch up, then Alfie started limping and I had to carry him home, he's a heavy lump, he's just getting old and has a bit of arthritis, I've had to carry him up and down the stairs the last few days, think he has good days and bad days. 

I was asked to tell my story on a zoom call, eek, once you start me, you can't shut me up can you!  Finally got to bed at 10, and had a few hours before mom woke me up at half one saying she wanted to get up, there was no coaxing her back to bed so I let her, settled her in her chair and went back to bed myself.  

It was about 4.45 when she woke me up again shouting, 'Bev, someones nicked my bed!" I got up and explained she was downstairs so she's now back in bed asleep and I'm wide awake lol, looking at a right mess that needs tidying up and cleaning this morning. We actually had a better night than I was expecting from her mood and behaviour before I got her in bed last night, so I'm relieved and thankful. 

Here's to another busy day ahead, I need to get my supermarket shop sorted for tomorrow, although I have ordered me a bit of niceness from Marlies.  I did indulge in twiglets, jammie dodges, cheesy spread and wine yesterday, but still didn't go crazy, a few of the totals are estimated but not far off.  I'm heading towards losing a stone and I can tell so I'm not stopping now, although when I get there I'm having a Chinese, I've been craving one for weeks!

Here's to having a wonderful Wednesday, doing a bit of housework, sorting my shopping and making a few calls! 

Happy days, mwah, 

luv ya

Love me xx

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