Tuesday 12 January 2021

It's Choose-day!

Tuesday 12th January 2020
Stop rushing and start prioritising!

My stats as of today

I started at - 200lb
I wanna weigh - 165lb
I plan to lose - 35lb / 17.5% of my body weight.
The scales 5/1/21 - 192lb
I've already lost - 8lb 
Yesterday I stepped 13,331 times 
I covered 5.72 miles 
I burned 2,561 calories  
I consumed 1,150calories

I was active for 99 minutes 

I slept 4 hours 59 mins

#walk1000miles challenge - Total YTD = 46.58 left to walk = 953.42


My 3 good things yesterday were;

1) Mom was brilliant to say I had a crazy busy day & was on the phone most of it.

2) It never gets boring - saving people money and time, simplifying their life

3) Signing up two new UW partners, 2 women I can't wait to work with these amazing ladies.


WOW what a mad busy day yesterday was, I'd forgot what hard work was as obviously now I can work at my own pace so tend to spread appointments out, then I'd had some time off over Christmas, but yesterday was mostly spent on the phone, it was really enjoyable though which is what life's all about.  If you can find a job you love, it doesn't feel like work. 

But before my working day started at 11, I had a few hours to take care of my needs because if I'm at my best, I can do my best in my work, taking care of mom and being a good friend.  The five areas that I need to make sure I focus on daily are; 

1) Eating well

2) Moving for health

3) Personal development

4) Connecting with others 

5) Self care

Doing this I know will get me back closer to my best version of me.  So what did I do in those few hours, well I did my mile walk as I already have again today, this morning I did this one; 

These 15 minute, one mile walks are enough for me at the moment.  I then walked Alfie, we actually managed two walks yesterday which is shown in the 99 minutes I was active, so yes I was busy but I made time to do that.  

I sat and planned my meals for the week, then used that plan to do my online shop which comes tomorrow.  I chatted with my bestie on the phone and I made sure I did the skin care routine that she's put together for me.

I did let myself down on the eating front, only because the time ran away with me and I wasn't hungry, so my meal plan went a bit off plan and I this is what I had; 

I started well with a late breakfast of chestnut mushrooms on toast, with boursin cheese, really, really tasty!

Then I suddenly realised about half four I hadn't eaten since breakfast (not good!) so I had a pickled egg (as you do!), then 4 fish sticks (67 cals), then I realised if I didn't eat something sustainable, I'd pick for the next few hours I was on calls, so I put the piece of salmon I was having on a meal between two slices of bread with another boursin cheese square and that saited me. 

I had another 4 crab sticks later on and wine.  So yeah, that wasn't the healthiest day at all, nowhere near enough veggies or calories come to that, I'm not into low calories diets and I only consumed 1150 yesterday, today will be much better, I will even schedule eat meals into my diary! Gammon to look forward to today.

This is my fitbit email this week, just goes to show what a difference a bit of effort can make doesn't it.  

As you can see my best day was Wednesday when I went for a socially distanced walk with a mate, we were going to do that again this week but I've cancelled, I'm just not going to risk catching covid with mom in the house.  This strain is rife, my brother tested positive on 28th, did his 10 days, felt rubbish, symptoms inproved and he was at the end of his ten days when his son tested positive, my brother started to feel rough again so to be on safe side took another test and yep you guessed it - positive again.  Ashmore Park is absolutely rife with it, so I'm staying home and only leaving to walk Alfie.  Mom had her letter for the vaccine yesterday but I can't get her to go have it, she's housebound now, thankfully the nurse at doctors said not to worry they are working on what to do for people like mom, so we'll sit tight for now. 

So here's a post my mentor posted yesterday that I thought was worth sharing; 

A couple of pearls of wisdom from my audiobook yesterday included; 

What's simple to do is also simple not to do!  So going back to yesterday's blog about making those small changes and how they add up, you have to do them.  Doing 15 minutes walking this morning was easy enough for me to do, but lying in bed this morning, thinking to myself, 'I didn't go to sleep till 11, shall I stay here for another hour' could've made it easy for me to stay there and not do that mile walk!

However, successful people are willing to do what unsuccessful people are not which is why I got my backside out of bed and did it.  

Now I was pleased to read this, 'tracking is the way to get back on track, you cannot manage or improve on something until you measure it.  Becoming conscious of your actions moves you to change them'.  Now I've changed how I do my blog as you can see, every day I put that summary at the top, I'll logging my food intake, my spending, it's all helping me to make changes.

Succeeding isn't just about willpower, willpower wanes let's be honest so work out your WHY POWER, why do you want to make changes, what are your goals, your dreams, let's focus on feeding our dreams and starving our nightmares!  Let's enjoy the journey.

Over come hard luck with hard work - we can improve ourselves and our lives.

On that note, I'm gonna have my breakfast so I've started my day with a cracking good meal, I'm also having another cuppa.

Turrah a bit ;) 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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