Friday 29 January 2021

Enjoy the view...

Friday 29th January 2021
You are what you do, not what you say you'll do

My stats as of today

I started at - 200lb
I wanna weigh - 165lb
I plan to lose - 35lb / 17.5% of my body weight.
The scales 24/1/21 - 189lb
I've already lost - 11lb 
Yesterday I stepped 8470 times 
I covered 3.61 miles 
I burned 2205 calories  

I consumed 2103 calories
I was active for 41 minutes 
I slept 6 hours 33 mins 

#walk1000miles challenge - Total YTD =  106.471 left to walk = 893.53

My 3 good things;

1) Helped my mate get to Qualified Distributor with UW (eek she did it in 2 days!)

2) Was interviewed on a zoom call by one of the leaders in the business (double eek!)

3) Getting to see one of my besties on zoom with her baby, she's a natural! 




My fitbit lies lol, it says I was awake 2 times, 13 times restless, I was awake more than that, I just tried not to move too much so as not to wake up completely lol, my poor old mom had a rough day and night yesterday, here's hoping she has a better one today. 

Alfie and I managed a couple of walks yesterday, short one in the morning, longer one on the afternoon, I thought I was out longer in the afternoon than my fitbit is suggesting, I was on a zoom whilst walking with Vicky and Katie it was lovely to catch up and we must make an effort to do it more often.  Katie had a lovely little boy named Ted in November and he's gorgeous and she's like mother earth watching her.  

I didn't quite get the numbers for the zoom call last night that I was challenged to, it wasn't an 'official' thing, but it was like a red rag to a bull with me.  I had to remind myself I've done incredibly well and to focus on that, someone once said to me a long time ago, 'when you're climbing all these mountains, don't forget to stop and enjoy the view' and they were so right.  I know I go at everything like a bull at a gate, full throttle, so I need to breathe.  My personal challenge for January was to get to Team Leader, and I'm one customer for one of my new partners away from that, so here's hoping we do it by Sunday.  I'm two customers away from 50 personal customers which will help me lock in my income and that's obviously very important to me financially.  With Virgin hiking up their prices and energy prices set to soar, it's been a busy month and as our £100 switch and save offer ends Sunday, I have a feeling it might be a busy weekend.  I'm absolutely loving working with my mates, helping them earn a living alongside me, so we're safe working from home.

Although mom and I are gonna have some chill out time together this weekend for sure, I've just found a couple of shows we might like so hopefully they'll distract her and entertain us.

Yesterday was carb heavy, it started with this plate of deliciousness; 

At least it was Flora light on them, I'm having the same this morning, they were mega.

I had a cooked dinner, I wasn't overly keen on the stuffing in this joint, but the chicken was okay, I'd buy the chicken joint that they do, the pork ones still my favourite so far though. Then there was bread and toast involved in the day too!

Just realised I've done my first 100 miles of my 1,000 miles challenge in 2021, so if I can do 100 miles a month, I'll achieve the thousands easily.  

I've just done the washing up and made moms breakfast so at least I'm being productive this morning, let's hope it continues.  

Mmm what to eat for dinner today, fish Friday I'm thinking, I have some fish kiews will have with chips and peas. 

Let's get this day started, have a fab Friday, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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