Friday 22 January 2021

A work of art!

Friday 22th January 2021
What is coming is always better than what is gone. 

My stats as of today

I started at - 200lb
I wanna weigh - 165lb
I plan to lose - 35lb / 17.5% of my body weight.
The scales 5/1/21 - 190lb
I've already lost - 10lb 
Yesterday I stepped 8140 times 
I covered 3.46 miles 
I burned 2159 calories  

I consumed 2038 calories
I was active for 42 minutes 
I slept 7 hours 49 mins

#walk1000miles challenge - Total YTD = 72.80 left to walk = 927.2

My 3 good things;

1) My wonderful work of art arrived.

2) Supported my bestie to sign her first UW customer ;) 

3) lamb chops!



A much quieter day yesterday, just a couple of appointments so a nice slow start to my day, which resulted in my buying an upright freezer so I can do a monthly freezer shop from Iceland.   I've thought about it on and off for a couple of years lol, finally deciding that it was a good idea.  I have this thing about bonus's, I believe they should be spent on something you want rather than need.  Well I had £300 Love to Shop vouchers for Christmas from UW and I swapped them for Sainsbury's vouchers and they've been paying for my shopping, so that means the £300 I saved on my food shopping can be used to pay for the freezer.  I got quite excited looking at the foods and bargains in Iceland!  Mom is more likely to eat the more processed type things I'll be able to buy too.  It's even silly things like the Co-op £5 meals deals, I've never got space when I want them. Now I will have, it's coming tomorrow ;) 

Talking about treating myself, I've had another bonus this month so I've treated myself to this piece of art by a lovely lady I know, who's trying to turn something she loves into a way to earn money (every one is having to reinvent themselves because of covid aren't they!) 

The photos don't do it justice, it's very healthy metal and  I love it, so does mom, we just need it fixing to the wall n

(17) Crystal Glass Metal Art | Facebook     CrystalGlassMetalArt by CrystalGlassMetalArt on Etsy  

I've not had anything on my walls since we decorated a few years ago, so this will be the first, it's so beautiful, my very own dandelion click with swarovski crystals, so pretty.

Food wise, need to get back to paying more attention to when and what I eat!  I had egg and tomatoes on toast for breakfast. 
Lamb chops, butternut squash, carrots, savoy and gravy for dinner, it tasted way better than it looked and Alfie was grateful for his share too, he likes carrots and chops! 

Alfie like most of us has gained weight in lockdown, I need to put him on a diet!  That's not gonna be easy, but as he likes carrots, I'm going to try bulking out his food with them as at least they're lower in calories. 

Now today's meal plan, I'm not sure when Marlies is bringing my curry and wings, so I've got to be a bit flexible with my plans.  I am going to make stuffed mushrooms today though and have them with potato croquettes, hoping mom will have a couple of the croquettes maybe with an egg and a few beans.  I'll have my marlies wings with some salad when they arrive and the curry will be my weekend treat and I'll eat healthy around it.  

Now this is the time that people who started the year off motivated start to wobble, 3 weeks in, credit card bills land - I've not actually got one of those this month, I've swapped to my cashback card and only use that now, so Tesco credit card must think I'm dead!  It's made a massive difference to my finances though, I'm not just saving money on my bills using it, it's making me aware of how much money I've spent and have left.  Anyway, it's easy to give up now, the weather just sucks!  Here in Wolverhampton it's cold but compared to some areas we're blessed not to live by a river that's for sure.  Yep, in any year this time of year is tough but we've got covid worse than ever this year so it would be easy to give up.  DON'T!

We need to take care of ourselves, self care is the new healthcare, the NHS is doing everything they can but we can do our bit too.  Let's work at getting healthy, building up our immune system and losing some weight if we need too.   We mustn't give up and think sod it, we need to give ourselves the best fighting chance again this dreadful disease.  

Let's have a fab Friday!  Actually it could be fish Friday, healthy fish and chips maybe, make your own, or some oily fish, I might have some for breakfast.  Whatever you do today, take care of you and stay safe. xx

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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