Tuesday 1 December 2020

Stop giving yourself excuses!

Tuesday 1st December 2020 
Make it a December to remember

I had a busy day yesterday on the phone doing what I love to do the most, the thing that makes my heart sing, what I believe is my purpose and that is helping people and making a difference to their lives.  I love that feeling, that buzz, that high when I have made a difference to someone elses life, there's nothing quite like it you know.  I've done it for the last 16 years at a WW coach, I've also done it when I've managed to rally my members and friends to help me raise lots of money for various charies and I'm doing it now by helping people save money on their bills but also by supporting people on their first calls so they can make money.  Yep it's the best feeling!

It was a late night last night, oh and Alfie was a little so and so, it was after midnight when I finally settled him, it's the foxes he knows are there I think, but I slept till 5.55 woo hoo!   Another busy day today but all being done from the house thankfully and I can really see the difference with mom, she did have a moment last night but my sister came round for an hour which made a difference.

Now I have spent years telling people they are BeYOUtiful as they are, they are good enough, they have nothing to prove to anyone and to focus on being healthy and happy and then because they're taking care of themselves, weight loss usually becomes the side effect.   I might have been misunderstood a little at times, even by myself and used this mentality as an excuse to think 'ah sod it then, if I'm good enough as I am, I don't need to lose any weight!' BACK UP that's not what I said, nor what I meant and I think a few of us might be due a dose of self-accountability, yes we are BeYOUtiful, capable, amazing individuals and don't you ever, ever forget that, your weight does not define you - you are wonderful, however....  

It's time to realise that anything that incredible needs taking care of!  Let's stop using the excuse of self love, or it doesn't matter as an excuse not to take care of ourselves.  It's okay to skip a workout if you're exhausted and need to rest, that's self care, it's not okay to use that excuse every single day!  It's okay to treat yourself to a nice new top for Christmas, it's not okay to say 'oh I've had a horrid year, I'm going to fill my wardrobe up with loads of new clothes', when you're skint and you end up in debt.  Deciding you're gonna eat a packet of biscuits or a bar of chocolate even though you're already full and it'll mean you're gonna feel dreadful afterwards, we need to stop doing this don't we.  Yes we can over induldge at Christmas, but it's not Christmas yet, it's the first of December. 

How about we use December to get the balance on self love and self care, to work out the correct definition and to start working on the masterpiece that is you!  After all works of art take time, choose to turn yourself into the best version of you and not a downgraded version of yourself. 

I'm guilty of it, I'm not gonna lie and little by little over the last few years, one bad decision here and there has taken me back to my start weight, well actually 4lb heavier, so I'm not judging you at all.  This could almost be me writing a letter to myself! 

Self love / self care it's not always about what you want, it's about doing what you need!  Yes it might include a nice massage or a bubble bath (ooo I've not had one of those in a while!) but it's also about choosing every day to do what's best for you!  Moving your body, eating your greens, watching your portion sizes, planning to eat oily fish or veggie meals a couple of times a week.  It's also making those appointments for check ups when we can, I've not had a check up at the dentist this year, I so need one.  It's about staying on top of your finances and not burying your head in the sand, switching off from technology and investing time in your relationships. 

Let's stop settling, comfort zones are exactly that but when you start stepping out of them, you may start to feel uncomfortable but that's because  you're going to change and grow, you've never been the version of yourself you're aiming for, but you'll love this person when you get there, you'll have more enthusiasm, more energy, you'll feel great - honest and resisting that packet of biscuits will be so worth it!

Today, I'm going to have a word with myself, that buzz, that high, that feeling of satisfaction I get from helping others that I talked about at the start of this blog, I'm going to start looking at getting the same buzz from helping myself and taking care of me!  Wanna join me?  Shall we have a few weeks before Christmas of healthy self care?

You in? 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me 

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