Tuesday 29 December 2020

So ready for 2021!

Tuesday 29th December 2020
Step by step, day by day...

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the next chapter of my life!  I charged up my fitbit yesterday and it's on my wrist ready to see how inactive I've become the last month or so, time to get them back up!  Alfie and I did do a couple of walks yesterday, not very quickly but at least we were outside.

I've used up some of the cheese and cooked ham by putting it in a piece of puff pastry with a sliced onion, absolutely delicious but the  acid reflux makes me realise it's just not worth it! A few minutes of eating followed by hours of discomfort, nah not worth it at all.  

I'm seriously missing out on social interaction, being stuck in the house 24/7 with someone who you can't even have a proper conversation with because they're not in this world most of the time is tough, this morning she's been telling me about how she was talking to Captain Tom the other day when she was walking Alfie, so no, meaningful chats aren't happening.  I can't wait to get out of Tier 3 so I can start having Happy Owls Huddles, I miss my tribe!  Talking to someone at the doorstep for a couple of minutes when they drop something off just isn't the same, especially as it's usually followed by mom sulking! 

I've got to finish my shopping list today, the ingredients of a healthy bolognaise and a crustless quiche are already in there, I think I'll throw in a bit of salad as well as all those lovely veggies in there. 

Yesterday was a good day, my appointment went well and I signed up another UW customer and another appointment booked for tomorrow.  My poor mom was  in a lot of pain after her visit from the district nurse, it's bigger than ever now, it's round the back of the ankle as well as the front of the leg and it's so very painful. 

We've been up since half 3 this morning, thankfully she's sleeping when we do go to bed which is a blessing, sleep's such an important part of a healthy, balanced life isn't it and I have a feeling mom's about to go back to sleep in her chair lol. 

I'm going to go make me another cuppa, mmm what to have for breakfast, I might give the kitchen a good clean whilst I'm in there, I'll never be naturally tidy, I'll always be a reluctant domestic goddess lol but I'll keep trying like every other area of my life, keep working on being a Happy Owl, I'm ready for 2021 and all it will bring , 3 days left of this year yet, will we end it in Lockdown or will it continue with the tiers?  The coronavirus news on the BBC this morning isn't heartwarming that's for sure!  We'll have a watch of GMB at 6, see if they're any more positive lol, I don't get stressed by it when I watch it now, it is what it is, I'm focusing on what I can control, here's to ending the year smiling.  

Mwah, luv yes.

Love me 

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