Thursday 31 December 2020

Happy to see the back of this one!

Thursday 30th December 2020
Your struggle is part of your story.

YAY yesterday was the first day since before Christmas that I didn't need Rennies - progress for sure.  I enjoyed egg and beans on toast and a roast beef dinner nom nom, got my supermarket delivery, it didn't come till lunchtime so didn't feel like cooking a recipe, maybe I'll do it today, but maybe later in the week when we're safely in 2021, we shall see how the day goes.

I found out yesterday my brother has tested positive for Covid, he was here for an hour Christmas morning, thankfully we're not a huggy family and we were a good 3m apart, so I think we've got away without catching it - I bloody hope so anyway, I can't bear the thought of mom getting it :( Then they put us into Tier 4 which I know means a lot of people will suffer emotionally and financially again. 


2020 has been a year to remember, but one which most of us would probably prefer to forget.  It was .....


The one where myself and so many others lost their jobs, the one where the only thing we seemed to gain was weight!  But more sadly what made neither of those things matter was the fact so many lost their lives. 

No wonder we're all looking forward to 2021 and hoping for better times.  

It wasn't all bad though, I got to walk with my bestie a few times, got to spend more time with my mom, people were kind and helpful to each other and there seemed a sense of community. 

Now there's two vaccines so hopefully 2021 is going to be better and we can rebuild our world!

What are your goals for 2021, one of mine is to be kind to myself, to give myself time to rebuild my world, I don't expect myself to be super women, I'm not going to lose all the weight I've gained in a fortnight, I never want to get down to a bmi 25, I've got my own weight related goals and I'll chip away at them, plus my weight is only one of my goals, I have others that have nothing to do with my body lol.  My work has always been my social life in years gone by, and as lovely as that was I'd like a social life that isn't work related, as soon as I'm able, I have a few meals out to arrange, some walking to do with mates, yeah, let 2020 be the year we realised what's truly important to us shall we.

Here's to enjoying the last day of the year, for tomorrow is 2021.

Happy New Years Eve - please stay safe. 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me 

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