Thursday 24 December 2020

Happy Christmas Eve!

Thursday 24th December 2020
Even if you don't believe in some things - always believe in yourself!

Well we've been awake since just gone two lol, but thankfully we were in bed by half 8 so we've had some sleep and it's Christmas Eve YAY!  It doesn't feel anything like Christmas at all does it, but hey ho, at least there might be something worth watching on tele tomorrow.

Today I shall mostly be eating christmas cake, cheese and crackers and drinking snowballs and baileys because I can, tomorrow won't be much different and I'm going to enjoy every bit of it, I'll get my healthy on in 2021, it's all in the planning, well it will be - watch this space! 

But for now, I'm going to rest, relax and recharge, enjoy rubbish tele and try and keep mom on a level, as lovely as Christmas is, too much change upsets her as she ends up confused, so there were lots of visitors dropping loveliness off yesterday but by the end of the day, she was exhausted from it all, especially as she can't understand why no one can come in! 

This time next week it'll be the last day of 2020, now I'm not one for wishing my life away but let's be honest 2020, well it's not been great has it!  I am hoping I've learnt things from it though, realised what's important, what isn't, what I want from life and what I don't!  It's shown me how many BeYOUtiful people I have in my life and reminded me how important it is to make an effort to stay in touch.

I'm hopeful for the future, I'm looking forward to being able to get back together and spend time with my tribe!  I've got things to get excited about and look forward too, just gotta stay safe a little, while longer! 

Right, I need more tea, it's a bit early for a Snowball even for me '-)

Here's to a very, very, Merry Christmas!  Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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