Tuesday 22 December 2020

Do you believe in yourself?

Tuesday 22nd December 2020
May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears.

This quote is so true, too many of us expect to fail before we even get started, doubt kills more dreams than failure every will!  I'm guilty of having a wobble here and there, especially when what I want to achieve is really important to me, so we need to work on our minds before we even start to think about our bodies!  We need to get intovthe right frame of mind, we need to start believing in ourselves!

When you plant seeds in the garden, you don't dig them up every day to see if they are sprouted yet.  You simply water them and clear away the weeds - you know that the seed will grow in time.  Similary, with ourselves, just work on those healthy daily habits and cultivate a kind heart, abandon your impatience and instead allow yourself to grow.   Be happy knowing you're taking care of yourselves and the results will come over time, when they're ready.

Stay strong - believe in yourself - never give up!

We've not had the best night, at first she refused to go upstairs to bed, I knew that wasn't going to help, I left my phone on and as expected it rang at half eleven, she wanted to know where I was, all concept of day/night gone from her.  I eventually managed to get her to go upstairs, then we had 2 or 3 hours of her calling me, being confused and generally lack of sleep!  Eventually she settled, and we managed a few hours of sleep, mine full of weird dreams.  Now it would be easy for me to use that as an excuse to not look after myself today but I'm not going to!  I've got up, done my skincare routine, I've got nothing in my diary so I'm going to start my day by clearing up a couple of kitchen drawers because I have a feeling mom will sleep most of the morning!  

How do we get our head ready and in the right place to give up the support we need in the new year to achieve our goals? 

We could work at changing how we think!  

Instead of 'I give up' think 'I can do this as long as I keep trying'

Instead of 'I will fail' think 'If I fail I will keep trying till I get it'

Instead of 'this is hard' think 'everything needs effort'

Instead of 'I'm not good at this' think 'I'm not good at it yet, with practice I will be great'

Let's start using positive statements!  Every time you notice (and start paying more attention) your thoughts are being negative, choose to turn it round by replacing it with a positive thought.

One thing I decided this morning as I was having my morning nosey on Pinterest was that going forward if I see a recipe I fancy, I will make it, regardless of the ingredients!  In the past if I've seen something delicious but it had a high pointed ingredient in it like double cream, I've not made it, but the truth is, it's all about balance and portion size.  

Let's all believe in ourselves in the future - I'm writing this as much for myself as for anyone reading it!  I need to believe I can achieve my 2021 goals!  

Who's up for doing a 'I believe in my #selfie', let's make a commitment to ourselves that in 2021 we will believe in ourselves and our goals, why don't you take a selfie and post it in the Happy Owls group, with the line 'I believe in my #selfie! If you want you could also put your goals in the post!  Don't worry about looking amazing, take it this morning before as soon as you've read this!

Yeah let's do this, here's mine! 

I believe in my #selfie!

Do YOU? 

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx


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