Friday 18 December 2020

9-5 WOW!

Friday 18th December 2020
Only compare yourself to your previous self.

We've had another good night, 9-5 she was in bed, ooo I want to watch that movie now!  Yeah sleep is just the best thing, especially when I've got a day of calls ahead of me.  I didn't end up going to chase water, I was supposed to be meeting someone but they had to cancel so me and Alfie had two good walks locally instead, fresh air is good wherever you are and mom was borderline yesterday so I didn't want to rock that boat. 

A week today it'll be Christmas day, two weeks today it'll be January 1st 2021!  I almost had a heart attack last night, I logged onto my Sainsbury's account and the next order it was showing me was 30th December, my 22nd one had disappeared!  Thankfully I checked and they assured me it was a technical glitch and it's back there this morning.  What it did do was make me think would I be okay if none of it came?  I'd already decided to remove some of the stuff, that's why I'd gone to log in to remove some of my basket!  I've just knocked £60 off my bill by realising I honestly don't need it all next week, there's only so many days in a week even at Christmas.

Now you didn't miss me there did ya, I've just spent 15 minutes looking for moms glasses, emptied her bag- not there, searched her bedroom -  not there, this time she'd bamboozled me!  Then I came back to her and noticed them, on the floor by her foot lol, so that's my workout for the day! 

Now I'm not suggesting that I'm ''dieting' over Christmas because I am NOT!  At the same time though, I'm not gonna buy food and drink I can live without, that would be silly, especially when my last WW wage has been paid into my account today and I've got no guaranteed income going forward.  I'm going to enjoy Christmas, then I'm going to go on the frugal plan, no more counting points or calories, I'm going to be counting the pennies!  Let's be honest we all know what's good for us and what isn't!

What food is good and what food is bad?  There is no such thing, it doesn't have a personality, carrots don't celebrate you when you boil them, butter and ghee don't sing with glee as they raise your cholesterol and salted peanuts aren't conspiring to raise your blood pressure!

If I was to ask you to give me an example of a healthy, balanced meal plan for the day, you'd be able to do it wouldn't you!  You wouldn't have to look on an app, google, you'd be able to say something like, 'Bev, have yourself some porridge or eggs for your breakfast, a good bowl of soup for lunch with a bread roll and for you dinner, you can have some fish or chicken with veggies.' You'd know this.  Yeah it's good to get ideas, but remember you already know WHAT TO DO!  

If I was to ask you how can I burn some more calories?  You wouldn't be saying, 'well, you need this latest gadget/device', you'd say MOVE MORE, my move more at the moment, is walking Alfie and trying to do housework as and when I'm able to settle mom.  

But for the next two weeks, I'm going to be enjoying whatever I fancy whenever I fancy it, then come January, the frugal plan will kick in and my finances will help dictate my diet.  Having said that, let's establish frugal, I'm not talking cheap!  Cheap and food is dangerous, because I can buy a pizza for £1, eating one of those daily wouldn't be a great idea!  

Frugal meaning according to the dictionary; 

sparing or economical as regards money or food.
"I'm a bit too frugal to splash out on designer clothes"
thrifty · sparing · economical · saving · careful · cautious · prudent · provident 
  • simple and plain and costing little.
    "a frugal meal"

For me it's going to be learning to be smart with my spending and knowing what my priorities in life are, and spending your money on those things – and being happy without the rest. Frugal living means being sensible with my money so that I can afford to stay home with my mom more and focus on those things that bring real value to my life.

It's remembering a delicous meal can be both healthy and cheap to make.  I mean some of the best ingredients - potatoes, carrots, onions - are the tastiest when used in a meal. 

Come January, anyone who isn't already skint, will probably be, so hopefully we can all save money together!

One thing I've been doing over the last month or two since I found out I was probably going to be leaving WW is to buy things when they're on offer, only things I normally use, so dog food, teabags that kind of thing, my shed is now a huge larder. 

Anyway, I've got a busyish day, mom seems good again this morning, she drifted a bit last night but not too far, so thankfully we've actually had 5 good days now including today and I'm going to be positive and assume we're going to have a good day.

Here's to a great day, looking forward to the next two weeks of indulgence, at the same time I'm looking forward to 2021, it's going to be a completely new life for me, first time in 16 years no going out to work and having to get up at 5am, not gonna lie, looking forward to that, looking forward to slowing my life down and enjoying the time I have left with mom.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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