Saturday 5 September 2020

You gotta love a Yorkie!

Saturday 5th September 2020
Start each day with a grateful heart.

I tried to turn off yesterday from stuff, but it's difficult isn't it when you have things on your mind, I did manage to have a couple of walks with Alfie thought, I indulged in this big breakfast which was delicious, if a little high on points thanks to the couple of slices of streaky bacon!
14SP 💚10SP💙10SP💜 

Mom let the carer visit for a couple of hours, which meant I was able to have a good walk with Alfie and spend a little time in the kitchen, I was going to make toad in the hole but I don't like the soggy bits of yorkie when you have that, so instead made Yorkshire pudding and ended up with deconstructed toad in the hole 😝 chicken sausages (thank you
Penn Road Butchers
) mash and peas with onion gravy. So good! 16SP 💚 15SP 💙 12SP 💜 thank you 🙏 to the Food Gods who make all this food possible. Alfie was impressed with PRB chicken sausages too, he had a few, I might have a sarnie for breakfast with the last few user them up.

I'm not gonna lie I was so pleased with these Yorkshire puddings, having not made on for years, I had to message my sister to ask for the recipe!  Mom could always make a mean Yorkie and my sister's are off the scale, I'll go try and find a photo of hers in a minute.  The secret is to get the fat really hot, I put my tray in the oven with the oil for a good 20 minutes before pouring the batter in.  Oh and most of the fat was still left in the tray when they were cooked, they work out at 2SP each. 

Yorkshire Pudding

vegetable oil
2 large free-range eggs
100 g plain flour
100 ml milk

Preheat the oven to 225°C/425°F/gas 9.  A
dd a little vegetable oil into each of the 12 compartments.  Pop into the oven for 15-20 minutes so the oil gets really hot.   Meanwhile, beat the eggs, flour, milk and a pinch of salt and pepper together in a jug until light and smooth.   Carefully remove the tray from the oven, then pour the batter evenly into the compartments.  Pop the tray back in the oven to cook for about 20 minutes, or until risen and golden.  You can always watch Jamie showing you how to do it 

Well the scales haven't given me a loss this morning but I know I've had a very, stressful week this week and I believe stress affects the metabolism, I've eaten more than the last couple of weeks but I haven't consumed more than I've burned so I'm not going to dwell on the scales, I'm eating better than I've eaten and more in control than I have been doing so it's all good.   

Well it's time to get ready to go to work, just watching a news piece on BBC1 about cuddles and how much everyone's missing them, it's such a simple thing, just another thing we need back in our lives. 

Right let's have a wonderful weekend, take care of you and yours.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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