Saturday 26 September 2020

Seriously my body clock is all over the place!

 Saturday 26th September 2020 
Stop!  Take a deep breathe.... (Yeah you needed that), now proceed.

Goooooood Morning, yeah I've been awake since a little after 2am but it's all good, cos we went to bed before half 8, my body clock is all over the place, I woke up needing the toilet (number 2! TMI?) who does that in the middle of the night though, I mean waking up for a wee is one thing but really! 

Moving on swiftly, at least I'm not tired, I've got me a lovely mug of tea and my laptop literally on my lap and I'm enjoying a moment of peace, i did hear mom moving about but I think she's got back in bed - phew.  

Yesterday was a busy day, actually it's been a busy week, anyone who knows me, knows I've been concerned about money lately, to be fair, I think loads of people are at the moment, it's all so uncertain isn't it.  I alluded to saving some money earlier in the week and I was chuffed,  you might recall earlier this year during lockdown, I sorted out my finances, made some calls, messed about on the internet for ages and saved myself loads of money off my bills.  Well, last week a very good friend of mine told me she'd got herself a new job and it was helping people save money on their bills, she was in training and needed someone to practice on (save spoiling a good un I guess lol), she also asked if I'd be interested in doing it as a job with her, straight away I was ooo no I'm not a sales women, heck I struggle to sell WW bars!  I said she could practice on me but that it was pointless as I'd not long switched all my bills and made savings.  No probs was the reply, we'll do it anyway and she called me Wednesday with her training lady and they only went and saved me a MINIMUM £400 a year on top of the savings I'd already made, I was over the moon, I'm not going to lie.  Sign me up!  

Now I live to help people, I help them lose weight, my mission in life is to help every one I meet feel better about themselves and realise they are incredible, I'm just all about helping to make things better - I'm what WW training department call 'a fixer' with a very strong righting reflex (most coaches are).  Anyway I digress, so having been practiced on by the very lovely Claire, I realised this wasn't selling, this was giving people options, helping them save money and by putting all your bills into one payment, simplifying managing your money.  Let's be honest BILLS ARE BORING, no one wants to spend any more time than necessary on them do they!  So now I have my gas/electric/landline/broadband and mobile all together nicely in one very much lower bill.

So guess who's gone and got themselves a second job!  Oh yeah, that'll be me lol, it's brilliant because I can do it from home and the hours are flexible, because of Covid the appointments can be done over the phone (they can still be done in person following guidelines) but I think over the phone is much better for so many.  Anyway I did two training sessions yesterday which went really well, I didn't actually do anything, I just observed at the other end of the phone.  I did however do my brother a quote last night and on his gas/electric I saved him almost £400 a year, that didn't include all the other savings, the five bills came in under what he was paying for his gas/electric alone, crazing savings.  There's also loads of other benefits, my gourmet society card arrived yesterday and so did my cashback clubcard, which I've already set up on my Amazon and Sainsbury's account so I can start getting money back which will come off my bills.  Can you tell I'm buzzing lol, maybe this is why I've been waking up at silly o'clock, I'm excited to start saving people money, I'm loving all the training I'm doing. 

It also means by doing this I can continue to support my WW members because this will be another income.  If you would be happy for me to help you save money on your bills give me a shout, I'd love to help you, I also love that there is no hard sell involved (it isn't allowed - NO means NO).  

Anyways on to other things - FOOD!  I had a delicious curry yesterday, getting a dab hand at that I am, if I do say so myself.

I'm really looking forward to seeing my members this morning, I know we can't have sit downs, but we're still having a natter with each other, those that like a chat don't have to rush off, there's plenty of room for a bit of social distancing conversation, the rooms well ventilated, we all have masks on and our gobs are big enough that we can shout across to each other lol.  I have missed doing the virtual's so I'm looking to do a Sunday morning one, if WW will allow, it'll be about 9.30 which I know is early for some but you know what, it's normally my day off and if I do it at that time, it's less likely to disturb my mom so I wouldn't have to ask my sister to come round as she's already doing enough covering my ten workshops!  I did a Poll and Sunday morning seems the best option.  

Well I was just gonna say 'I better go get ready for work' erm, but it's not even 4am yet, so I'll just go do something else for an hour, maybe a bit of my college course, mental health awareness, see that's so I can help people more, if I understand more, I can help more.  

If you want to save some pennies, let me try and help you (no pressure), if you're interested in earning some money, ask me about it, I can help you there too.  I'm gonna go do some yoga, balance me out, I'm a bit bouncy this week for sure!  

Mwah, I blinkin luv you I do!

Love me xx

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